About That Tricky Tray.. I Just Want To Say_Chapter 4 (closed)

Use This Post To "Speak Your Mind" About A Tricky Tray or Anything Related To A Tricky Tray. Tell us about the Grand Prize You Just Won or How You Haven't Won A Thing 10 Tricky Trays Straight. Just Click On The comment link below and start typing away.


Anonymous said…
went to Hamburg TT last night...was pretty good...very fair and prizes pretty evenly spaced out. one prob-three different kinds of tix green, one with large numbers and one with small numbers...blech! there was also an intoxicated lady (or at least she acted that way) that was trying to help out but instead just ended up annoying most ppl with her obnoxious comments. i hope the poor woman didnt have to drive home herself...she was having trouble just plain walking.
Anonymous said…
Went to the St. Lawrence tt in Chester. Good value! The tickets were well priced and the baskets were nice. The crowd, however, was completely unenthusiastic! Most people just quietly raised their hands - even for the big prizes.
Anonymous said…
Top the person looking for high end items for her TT....I hope you are still going to have your TT even though you dont have high end items. I have had a real good time at regular tricky trays that dont have high end merchandise. There is nothing wrong with it as long as you have new items and fair prices for your tickets. Actually, most TT's are the high end ones now a days and I would be able to attend more if they were a little less costly. I would really like you to tell us who your organization is and where your TT will be because I would like to come and support your group! I am sure other people would also like to come to your TT.
Anonymous said…
Thinking about going to the YMCA Camp Ralph S. Mason tricky tray tonight. It's a bit of a ride for me so I was wondering if anyone out there went to this t/t last year to see if it's worth the trip. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
went to ogdensburg firehouse t/t saturday and it was not good. people were not organized at all, took too long, and the prizes were nothing special. the one at the ogdensburg school two weeks ago was much better.
Anonymous said…
the problem with the ogdensburg one 2 weeks ago was the tix and the caller...the tix were two different sizes so naturally the larger ones were getting picked most of the time. also the caller was looking into the container she was picking from which the crowd was not too pleased with...as a matter of fact i havent heard one good thing about that TTas of yet...please people if you are gonna host a tt get all the same size tix-its just not fair for those with the smaller tix!
Anonymous said…
the ogdensburg school was the 1st tt i had gone to in years. and i never even realized about the tickets being different sizes, but i was wandering why the same series of numbers was being called - i guess that makes sense. i guess i'll just have to purchase the larger tix from now on.
Anonymous said…
does anyone know why some tt say adults only and some allow children ? i would like to be able to take my husband and 2yr old to one. i would just stay long enough to drop my tickets and then my husband would stay for the calling. whats the harm in that ?
Anonymous said…
To the person wanting to bring her 2 year old: Children are not allowed at TT's because it becomes annoying to other people. Go back and look at the posts in chapters 1, 2 and 3 where people have commented on why children should not be allowed. How about your husband waits with the child in the car while you drop your tickets and then you take the child home while he stays? Whats the harm in that? Or better yet, get a babysitter for the evening so you both can enjoy yourselves! Children do not belong everywhere their parents go and people without children do not want to be annoyed when they are enjoying themselves.
Anonymous said…
It is considered illegal for anyone under 18 to play in most towns. If you let children in and tell them not to play they still do and let who they're with raise their hand if they win. So most places just don't let anyone under 18 in.
Anonymous said…
TTs are GAMBLING-that is why it is illegal for children to be there.

I was at TT recently where there were children-they got bored and started running around and screaming-

If a TT allows children-please bring stuff to entertain them!
Anonymous said…
to the person who said i should leave my child in the car w/my husband - obviously you don't have children. i would never leave my child in the car when it is 15-20 degrees outside.and as far as getting a babysitter - that turns an inexpensive evening into an expensive one. i understand your point about some children being annoying and if you have parents that don't control them, your point is valid. but, my daughter is very well behaved and i would not allow her to run around and cause trouble (again, she's only 2)
there is so much noise and confusion in the early part of the evening anyway, i don't think most people would even notice, everyone is too involved in getting their tickets and checking out the trays.
Anonymous said…
to the person who said tt's are gambling - that is correct, it is. but, that does not mean people under 18 cannot be there. according to the nj gaming commission, people under 18 are permitted, they just can't purchase tickets, hold tickets, etc.. if you have ever gone to a racetrack, which is also gambling, you will see children there - they just can't gamble. so, a lot of people are under the same misconception as you are. they are permitted, people just say that they aren't and they just use that as an excuse, intead of saying that they just don't want children there.
and i agree, if someone cannot control there children and they are disruptive, than they chould not be allowed. but for someone who has a child that is behaved, i don't think they should be excluded.
Anonymous said…
I think a great idea would be to have a children's seating section at a tricky tray if children are allowed. This way people who don't have children with them will be less annoyed by child behaviors and people who brought their children will all be in the same boat so to speak.
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Hi All. Looks my hosting company has decided to upgrade server today(Monday). This should should solve the problems that some of you may have encountered over past 2 weeks. But there will be some down time today. Thanks for your patience!

Mr. Tricky Tray
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
ok I do know that children are allowed at trickytrays (unless otherwise specified) but these are all pretty valid points. I am sure your daughtewr is well behaved and kudos to you for bringing your child up right but there are many children who do not behave and they far outnumber the good ones. I go to TT's with my mother but when i was younger she ddid not bring me because for her it was a night out without her child. I was a well-behaved child-one look from my mother was all it tok for me to knock off the antics. however children at tt's are usually loud, like to participate (illegally) and honestly i get very perturbed when i am knocked over by a kid whose mother doesnt know to keep her child in check. the tt's that allow children i will not go to, if i wanted to be there with kids i would have brought my own lol. and for those events with a seating limit it would be unfair for those who want to participate and donate and win and also to the organization because they may lose money.
Anonymous said…
Re: Roselle Catholic Tricky Tray

Are You still allowing smoking in half the Gym--I've gone in the past and sat in the non smokig side and have still come home smelling like a cigarette-

also, the last time I went-there was no available seating in the non smoking section-it was all reserved-will you reserve seats for a party of 2.
Anonymous said…
I think that they should have a tricky tray just for all you children haters. I go to MANY tricky trays a year, pay FULL price for my WELL BEHAVED child and buy just as many tickets, or even more, for her than all of you. I won't even read these blogs anymore because I don't enjoy reading blogs from a bunch of nit-pickers who are never happy. It isn't all about you ya know!
Anonymous said…
does anyone know anything about the tt coming up at the jefferson high school on the 2nd ?
like a price of admission, price of tickets, time of drawing ???
Anonymous said…
Did everyone sit home all weekend????
We went to the Bernards tt. Fabulous baskets! However, there weren't enough baskets for the number of people (I hear in years past there were a lot more baskets), it was incredibly loud, and the tickets weren't dumped into a separate container for mixing.
Anonymous said…
Anyone have any comments on the TRHS Sophomore Class Gift Auction?
Anonymous said…
HI All...
I am from the Dover/Rockaway Elks Lodge & Handicapped Children's committee. We are hosting our first ever Tricky Tray this Saturday night, Dec. 10th. I hope you will all join us. I am a little nervous, as I have read this entire blog from front to back and hope that we can accomodate everyone as best as possible. I know that we WILL NOT PULL BENT TICKETS! Notices will be posted and announced. There will be no smoking in the hall. We will have cake & coffee for our guests. We will do our best to make this an enjoyable event for all. Doors open at 6pm and calling will begin at 7:30pm. One question for you experts out there...I have a gift certificate for 1-year of free bagels from Panera Bread. It's 13 bagles a month with 2 pints of spread for 12 months...a $130 value. Would you put this on the big table or leave it as a regular prize. Our baskets run between $30 & $60. Our Big prize table runs $75 - $100, and our super table runs anything $100 & up. Please let me know what you think. We have some people who are saying they couldn't see anyone paying for extra tickets for such a prize. I appreciate the feed back and I am looking forward to Sat.

Thanks all!
Anonymous said…
Can anyone tell me if it's ok for children to be runners? Like 13 & up? I was told it was illegal, is this true? I live in Bergen and wanted to know if it's a state law or a town law? Thank you to anyone who can answer this.
Anonymous said…
Me Again...to add to this, I was corrected by another member that we do have some baskets that range up to $75 in value...I apologize to them for that...our baskets are beautiful and full.
Anonymous said…
re: bagels
I would put tickets in the big table (75-100) with a sign listing the value-I would also make a stop at a dollar store and buy a couple of related acessories (such as spreaders, platters, bagel holder to slice, etc.)
Anonymous said…
To all you organizers out there:

Can anyone please answer these legal questions in regard to running a tray?

1.) Can someone under the age of 18 be a runner? We don't have any prizes with Alcohol, so that isn't an issue, but we were told no one under 18 can be a runner regardless...is this true?

2.) Can workers participate in the games? I was told that anyone whose name appears on the license can not participate in the games...is this true? Obviously if we are the caller or one of the runners we can't hold our own tickets...someone else would have to watch our tickets for us.

Thank you for any assistance you can provide!
Anonymous said…

Thank you for your suggestion...I just want to make sure this is going to be worth the cost of the ticket to the participants.

Thank you! ~D
Anonymous said…
RE: Bagels, I would also put them at the big table. Just put a note on it saying what it contains and the value. Alot of people would like to have bagels for a year!
Anonymous said…
To Dover/Rockaway Elks: You dont have to be nervous, this is supposed to be fun and it is!! People just want it to be fair. Just dont call bent tickets, shake the buckets up well before pulling and dont look into the bucket as you pull the ticket, thats all. Best of luck and I hope you make alot of money for your organization!
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have comments about the St. Andrews 16th annual tricky tray on Dec. 1 at the Valley Regency?
Anonymous said…
RE:To Dover/Rockaway Elks:

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I appreciate your best wishes for what we hope will be a successful evening!
Anonymous said…
RE: Bagels

Thank you to those who responded to my query in regard to what I should do with the 1-yr of bagel certificate.

I now know what I am going to do. Dress it up and place it on our big table.

Thanks for the suggestions and feed back. This blog and TT.Com are absolutely terrific!
Thanks ~D
Anonymous said…
Hi. I went to the Dover Elks Tricky Tray last night. For my second outing to a tricky tray I thought it was pretty nice. Did anyone else go and what did you think?
Anonymous said…
I went to the Dover Elks also, very nice, I won the bagels along with a few other baskets had a very nice time will go again next year! nice job to the people in charge!
Anonymous said…
I was thinking of going to the Dover Elks at last minute but saw they had a limit..did they sell out?
Anonymous said…
I was one of the two organizers, and unfortunately we did not sell out. We had a nice size crowd though...BTW THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED! :) We plan to change a couple of things but we will hold one again next year. We put a limit due to fire codes and didn't want to risk running into trouble. For our first time out we didn't do a bad job. I got a lot of nice compliments on the prizes and how smoothly it ran for a first time out. Sorry you didn't come because of the limit! I now wish we hadn't written that in stone. It may have detered more folks like yourslef who would have come otherwise. Like I said though...we will be changing a couple of things. As of now it's set to take place at the end of November 2006.
Anonymous said…
Mr. Tricky Tray -
When you do the vote this year, can you list at least the top 3?
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
I have one last Tricky Tray posted for Dec 18th and then next week I will have links on site to vote. That is a good idea..I will post Winner & 1st & 2nd runner ups!

Happy Holidays to all!

Mr. Tricky Tray
Anonymous said…
does anyone know of any tt's coming up in jan / feb in northern new jersey ? sussex county area.
Anonymous said…
re bringing the 2 yr old to tt's.

With a deep breath, maybe you just need to get over it and come to grips that you are a parent. You will have to make a lot of choices because you are a parent - this one is pretty simple.
tt are regulated by state because they are gambling. while some allow children to be inside, the problem comes from parents who think its cute to let their kids drop in tickets and claim prizes. If the state receives complaints, the tt host can then be fined and lose their license.
Someone offered the solution of your husband watching the child while you dropped in tickets and you responded like it was child abuse. If you want to participate without paying a babysitter, one of you stays home while the other attends. What's the big deal with that?
Anonymous said…
Ok this is to answer 2 question from above.

1. Children are allowed to be at a tricky tray and play, as long as the prize they are playing for is not cash.

2. Children are allowed. It is preferred by many.. Just not to have children there. One they take up the space of paying adult, two they are a distraction.

Anonymous said…
Can't we just end this discussion? If the posting says "adults only", don't bring the kids. If it says "children welcome", bring the kids.
It's really as simple as that!
Anonymous said…
One of the BEST Tricky Trays ever was held at Unity Spiritual Center in Pattenburg in Sept. 05. A huge variety, dozens of gift certificates, and everything brand new!
Anonymous said…
I attended St. Andrews 16th annual Tricky Tray on December 2, Valley Regency in clifton. this has got to be one of the best Tricky Trays out there....Each year they present a differant theme...differant grand and super grand prizes and eveyone goes home a winner !
Lets face it...they are hosting their 16th Annual...they must be doing something right ! ! Its always hosted the First Thursday in December...its a great way to start out the holiday season!
Anonymous said…
Re: Roselle Catholic Tricky Tray

Roselle Catholic is now a non-smoking gym so you don't have to worry about finding a seat or smelling! I too am very happy about this.
Anonymous said…
So when is Roselle Catholic tricky tray, I didn't see it posted on wwww.trickytray.com??????
Anonymous said…
January 20 - it's posted!
Anonymous said…
Roselle Catholic is one of the best Tricky Trays in that area! There gym seats 600 people so everyone has enough room - you don't feel crowded in at all, they start on time and have great prizes. Well worth going!
Anonymous said…
Re: Roselle Catholic

P.S. Last year they announced all night that they will not call bent tickets and to the best of my knowledge didn't!.
Anonymous said…
What's everyone doing for New Years Eve?
Anonymous said…
I'm thinking of going to the TT at St. Therese's in Succasunna on Jan 14. Did anyone go last year? Any comments?
Anonymous said…
I also attended Roselle Catholic last year. There were tons of prizes and the calling went pretty quickly. The bottom level prize tickets were a good value. There were too many prize levels for me -buying in each of the levels added up very quickly! I came home a winner, so I'll go again!
Anonymous said…
I am planning a tricky tray and need some assitance from others that have planned.. anyone want to email me offline??
Anonymous said…
Yes, the Roselle Catholic Tricky Tray is very good-but as a previous post stated there are about 600 seats-the last time I went there were probably 300-400 prizes- I have come home both a winner, but more often a non winner. It's great they finally stopped allowed smoking, but last time I went it was hard to find non reserved seating even in the smoking section! I usually only go with 1 or 2 other people and no longer have any connections with the school-does RC let a party of 2 reserve seats?
Anonymous said…

I would appreciate if event hosts would state if there event is smoking or non smoking in their listing.
Anonymous said…
Wheelchair accessibility

I would appreciate people noting if their event (including the restrooms) are wheelchair accessible.

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