About That Tricky Tray.. I Just Want To Say_Chapter 11 (Closed)

Use This Post To "Speak Your Mind" About A Tricky Tray or Anything Related To A Tricky Tray. Tell us about the Grand Prize You Just Won or How You Haven't Won A Thing 10 Tricky Trays Straight. Just Click On The comment link below and start typing away. However..no personal attacks will be tolerated.


Anonymous said…
Mr. TT, thanks for the correction. You've done a great job in spreading the word about these events. I know I'm good for at least twice a week looking for events to attend. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Update on Ramapough Lenape Tricky Tray this weekend. We have over 305 prizes now. Tickets are still available at the door but please call ahead to insure a seat. My cell number is on the web site. Please try not to wait until that day to call because it is really crazy for me :) Thanks for your support!
Anonymous said…
I think Entrance Fees came into vogue simply to put a budget framework on how much could be spent. It's often been noted that many event volunteers have little or no general tt experience. They want and need a budget to operate within rather then the generality that less expense means more net profit.
The last year I went to a couple events who listed an Entrance Fee requirement but waived it if you purchased any advanced tickets. Another couple events did not charge their committee members/workers the entrance fee and their workers had great reserved tables and the best of snacks and freebies. TT regulars do find this stuff out. Keep it fair
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know of tricky trays that have a sports themeed section? i have a friend that would like to go to one with a lot of sports stuff.
Anonymous said…
Most all tricky trays have 5 or 6 sports themed baskets but I have not found any that had all sports

My tricky tray has Derek Jeter Signed picture worth $599.00, Mets tickets $100,NJ Devils hockey puck, Nets signed program,jets poster with drink dispenser, giants poster with ball.

Ramapough Tricky Tray
August 23rd
Unknown said…
Our school is looking at doing a TT in Jan/Feb 2009 and I was disgusted to read an email at our meeting tonight that stated that another local TT had several ladies who won baskets with tickets that they did not purchase from the organizers. I think that is beyond low. We are going to have presales, but are not going to issue the tickets until the night of the event to try to combat this. We are also not going to allow bent tickets. I clued the committee chair in on this website and we will be posting.
Anonymous said…
I wrote down my starting numbers and If I catch anyone cheating ,stealing, or anything else I will call the police. I worked too hard for someone to cheat!

Andrea Soha
Ramapough Lenape TT
Anonymous said…
if kids are allowed--the parents need to bring things to entertain them---it is not the organizers responsibility to provide childrens activities----if the parents can't keep the kids occupied and behaved--they all need to leave.....
Anonymous said…
I am organizing a tricky tray for my PTA which will be in Feb or March of 2009. I have been reading a lot here and picking up pointers, thanks. What are you looking for in a great tricky tray? I am interested in reading responses, thanks.
Anonymous said…
Would anyone be interested in starting a tricky tray club? I thought it would be fun for all of all devotees of tricky trays.
Anonymous said…
I think Mr TT already started a club. We keep each other updated, encourage those who haven't won for 4 straight events and thru this blog always have a running conversation going about everything tt related. Small group meetings occur at events we attend.
Mr TT even has club shirts for us to wear.
Anonymous said…
What happened at the Union TT lasat nite? Details please.
Anonymous said…
Hi all,

I have some empty baskets if anyone would like them?

If you would like them email me.

Andrea Soha
Ramapough Nation
Anonymous said…
It's about time........
that TT organizers are finally reading these blogs and taking CHEATING seriously. Now you need to go to many TT's and see what we are talking about.....for yourself.
Thank you for your concern.
Anonymous said…
sometimes it is quite obvious that here is cheating going on, The same person winning 5 to 10 baskets and others in there group winning many baskets certainly makes you wonder.

I go to support the groups if i win it's a bonus I go to have fun. also some groups who have 50 50 are not 50 50 the group is very large and you see the tickets being bought it comes to 500 for the winner I don't think someone is telling the truth then you can go to others where there is basically the same amount of peropke and it 1500 to 2000 to the winner. The best 50/50 i went to was St therese in sucassana 2000 to the winner, i was not the winner but the person that did win was over joyed. good luck this coming season to all tt lovers.

stay honest and true to yourselves.
Anonymous said…
This is for the GARFIELD and PASSAIC TT, if someone get to read this please post more information about the event since not everyone have time to call at the right time thanks for understanding.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Please don't randomly accuse winners of cheating unless you can back it up.
Some tables win more because each person in that group has over $250 of tickets. That group pays a premium for their luck.
Or a given table of 8 people might also be watching over tickets for 30 volunteers busy running prizes.
Cheating is a real issue that organizers need to have a plan that deals with prevention and when to call the police. Attendees are not shy about letting organizers know when they have bent/altered tickets being dropped. Maybe we all need to pay more attention and speak up when something odd is going on. The last event I went to, several people complained that one woman was shoving her hand into the ticket bins. She was told to stop. She had been trying to get her tickets on the bottom of the cups rather than just dropping them in. Lesson learned for organizers - tape a lid on the cups so noone can get their hands on tickets once dropped.
Anonymous said…
Thx for the last post. If I'm winning, it's because I've bought alot of tickets. The last thing I want to feel is guilty about people wondering if I cheated! You guys have to get real...if I spend $100 a nite, and others spend $20...it is highly likely that I am going to win more frequently. It is that simple, and you have not right to categorically state that more wins suggests cheating. Maybe more wins suggests that our good kharma is coming through instead of the incredible negative and nasty vib you continue to put out. The TT gods want to enjoy the nite,too!!!!
Anonymous said…
Any comments on some of the late summer tricky trays that were held the last week or so? I was away so I couldn't attend any, but am looking forward to getting back into the action come September!
Anonymous said…
Mr TT cleaned up the list and we lost the Aug 30 event traditionally held on Saturday evening of Labor Day weekend in Swartswood. It was listed and I didn't write down any of the details. Can't remember the name of the church but the hall is located in Swartswood on Swartswood Rd right across from the FireHouse. GP is a laptop this year.
Please post if you know when they open, when they start drawing or specific address. thanks
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Sorry about that..accident

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tricky Tray Sponsored By
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
Biesiada Hall Community Center
203 Swartswood Rd
Swartswood, NJ  07877

Doors Open: 6:30 pm
Drawing: 8:00 pm
Admission: Free
*Adults Only*
Over 100 trays, Specials, Super Specials,
with carrying case & additional software.
Free refreshments will be served.
Call the rectory at 973-383-3566
between 9 am-12 noon for additional information.

More Info:

It is back up.

Mr. Tricky Tray
Anonymous said…
To the organizers of the Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tricky Tray Sponsored By
Netcong Fire Co. #1 at the
Netcong Elem. School
Does the $10.00 admission include anything beside a sheet of tickets?

Refreshments. What kind of refreshments? Are you charging for them, or will they be complimentary? Please be a little more specific.
Thank you
PS Every time I fill my gas tank it costs $60.00.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Mr TT - August doesn't have enuf tt's to lose sight of even one of them.
It's a beautiful drive thru countryside to get to Swartswood if anyone is interested. Not a big tt, but people are friendly and they don't charge for coffee.
Anonymous said…
I have some former tt friends who are compulsive gamblers. They may be the sweetest, nicest people except they are addicted to winning and in that respect totally without ethics. They smile smugly and justify their prize wins by saying 'they bought more tickets than others'. While it's true that purchasing more tickets make attendees more likely to win, don't kid yourself about the power of this addiction. When faced with inexperienced and inattentive organizers, regardless how many tickets they purchase the compulsive gamblers bend tear ragged and do whatever they can get away with to increase the chances of winning. They have an addiction and awarding prizes to their bent and raggedly torn tickets feeds the compulsion to continue to drop marked tickets.
Anonymous said…
There were 5 of us who attended a TT last year. Combined, we spent about about $300.00. Would you believe we only won one prize between all of us.

After that experience, I've come to the conclusion it does not necessarily matter how much one spends. It's either luck or cheating.
Anonymous said…
Dont know if you all seen our TT coming up 10/10/08 its for our wounded servicemen and woman WWW.woundedwarriorproject.org.
at Sussex Elks Lodge Wantage.
I want to thank all of you for the positive and neg posts it helps those of us that have questions.
Anonymous said…
Regarding the above TT. You only list presale ticket prices. Is that the only kind you are offering? Is Admission free? What kind of refreshments? Good luck.
Anonymous said…
I attend many tricky trays . My friends about 8 of them and I go every month or so. We each spend about $150. and there has been times that we haven't won anything. We just chalk it up to the luck of the draw.
Anonymous said…
Point well made. My point is that the tables winning a lot say they buy a lot of tickets that's why they win so many trays. As you point out and another blogger also this theory is not always true. Just because you buy many tickets, it does not guarantee that you will win more than someone who buys less than you. It is more luck than anything else. Or cheating, which of course we all know happens at every TT.
I've been to a TT where it was announced that no bent tickets will be called. A person sitting at the table behind me said out loud "oh no my friend told me to bend my tickets" I guess I have no chance! Hope she learned her lesson.
Anonymous said…
My friends are not whining about not winning as much as wanting organizers to acknowledge cheating and run the raffles fairly iaw licensing requirements. If they had a store with that much merchandise on the shelves, can you imagine them not taking precautions to protect against shoplifting? Conversation between neighboring tables at the last event was very positive about the number of organizers who are following the blog posts here. It's amazing how many tt.com people you run into at events.
Anonymous said…
regarding Sussex Elks TT for the wounded warriors there will be tickets avail at the event as well as 50/50 Admission is free.. there will be cash bar provided by elks free coffee/tea we will also be providing snacks. The elks will be doing its normal friday night dinner! the presale is an 8 dollar savings and one hour early bird preview and admission
Anonymous said…
Netcong Fire Co. #1
Please answer the questions from the blog on August 28, 2008 7:58 PM.

Any of your organizers read TT.com?
Anonymous said…
Where are all of the tricky trays in Sussex County? There are only 1or 2 posted - are they getting off to a late start?
Anonymous said…
There is nothing compulsive about organizers posting or keeping up with posts on tt.com. While we have organizers sometimes id themselves and get a running dialogue going, you can't post a question and assume that you will get a specific response. Many visitors and most organizations barely know events are posted here and they have no clue that the blog exists.
There is a phone number POC listed for that tt - call it and find out the answers you are looking for. Usually when I call its a quick message left on an answering machine which they return at their expense.
Anonymous said…
I don't have the time to be calling, nor do I want to. List all the details on the events page. Most TT organizers are able to do that.

Organizers do know about this site. Didn't they post their event here?

Just post all the details and leave nothing to chance. Those are the successful TT's.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the previous poster - when you send the information to Mr. Tricky Tray, please send him all of the information. Ok - call us lazy, we'd like to have all of the info for all of the events in one spot. I'm sure it will cut down on the number of calls the organizers receive, too. And a pet peeve of mine - please make sure that the phone number you list is someone who can answer the questions that us compulsive tricky-trayers ask! Not a good sign when I call and they don't have any idea how many baskets there will be, the value of the baskets, how much the additional tickets cost...
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know of any TTs in the Clearwater, FL or Tampa, FL area for the middle of Sept. I am hooked. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Anyone heard anything about raindelays on any events this weekend?
Anonymous said…
Just attended a tricky tray in Easton PA (9/6/2008) for St. Janes CYO. This was the most unorganized, terrible event I have ever been to! IT is a shame because the ticket prices were reasonable, the prizes were excellent, but there were way too many kids, they had a system where they tracked your tickets by your name and then instead of calling the ticket numbers called your name, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to hear over all of the people talking and no microphone/sound system that worked. You didn't have to be present to win which also didn't seem very fair! I will NEVER attend this event again!
Anonymous said…
Just attended a tricky tray in Easton PA (9/6/2008) for St. Janes CYO. This was the most unorganized, terrible event I have ever been to! IT is a shame because the ticket prices were reasonable, the prizes were excellent, but there were way too many kids, they had a system where they tracked your tickets by your name and then instead of calling the ticket numbers called your name, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to hear over all of the people talking and no microphone/sound system that worked. You didn't have to be present to win which also didn't seem very fair! I will NEVER attend this event again!
Anonymous said…
Kids and TT's are a lousy combination. They just don't belong!
I went to one a few years ago and never again will I attend where there are brats yes brats. Parents are no better, they just leave them to run and do whatever kids do.
Anonymous said…
How was the Netcong FD TT last night?
Anonymous said…
Save the date! 3/06/09, St Marks Church in Long Valley, to benefit our PTA. Will post it as it gets closer. $10 admission will includes coffee, tea and many desserts plus a sheet of tickets. I have been reading here and want to get it right! And no bent tickets signs will be posted. We are hoping to have some great baskets and lots of fun, and no children will be there.
Anonymous said…
Tricky Tray Rules

Organizers - PAY ATTENTION!
* 1. NO KIDS!
* 2. Non consecutive sheets will NOT greaten your odds
* 3. Start on time
* 4. Don't charge an admission fee
* 5. Callers, you're NOT funny
* 6. Pay attention to the numbers
* 7. Skip the door prizes
* 8. Don't hold up the line to inspect every basket; you're not QC
* 9. Don't crawl up my back if I can't move forward; you'll get there
* 10. Don't get upset, if you hold up the line then get passed; the prize will still be there
* 11. No intermissions; they're never just 15 minutes
* 12. Coffee or tea should be complimentary
* 13. Prize quality is key; no baskets under $30
* 14. Don't describe every basket
* 15. Each prize level should have the same color tickets
* 16. No open ticket containers or bags
* 17. Provide special deals on multiple ticket sheets
* 18. Three levels of tickets is sufficient
* 19. No bent tickets
* 20. Shake 'em up!
Anonymous said…
Love it! I agree with almost all of your comments -just one modification - NO KIDS under 12 (kids 12 and up know how to behave and actually enjoy these events).

And a couple of additions:

21. Please separate your tickets before you get in the line.

22. If the baskets are in numberical order, please start at basket 1 and continue in order when dropping your tickets.
Anonymous said…
NO KIDS period! Adults 18 and over only. 12 year olds do not know how to behave.

Organizers...You are not listening. $10.00 admission is too expensive for many of us. Refreshments are free at many TT's. Including a sheet of tickets ...why? I will be buying them anyway. Sounds like you are justifying the admission price.
Have you ever been to a TT that does not charge admission? I have been to both kinds and believe me charging admission does not make it a better event....far from it.
Anonymous said…
WOW----rules, rules and more rules. Most of these suggestions are good, but that's what they are, only suggestions. I attend a lot of tricky trays and sometimes little things can be annoying, but you just get over it. I like door prizes and I don't want to separate my tickets before I get in line. It feels like you are telling me what to do on my fun night out. Does it have to be that rigid. If an organization wants to charge an admission fee, that's up to them, and up to you if you want to attend their event. Yes, I complain if the coffee and tea are not complimentary and I take note for the future. Actually, the cake should be free also. Just have the folks in your organization make the goodies. Sometimes if I know they charge for coffee, tea and cake I will bring my own. The bottom line, the decision is always yours to attend or not. If these events become so rigid, no one will want to have one. Lighten up, it's suppose to be fun.
Anonymous said…
Love the rules! I think the poster put them out there to add a bit of structure to something that can very quicky become an unenjoyable evening. We want to have fun! I agree that there are some that are optional (admission fee, charging for coffee), but some are really important to me and my enjoyment of the event: skip the door prizes and intermissions, don't inspect the baskets as if you're QC, have quality prizes, only one color of tickets per prize level, only three prize levels, no lengthy descriptions, rip your tickets before you get in line. I'm ok with teenagers in attendance. It doesn't matter to me if my numbers are in order or random because I actually pay attention to the calling.

So - where's everyone going this weekend? Lots of options.
Anonymous said…
Structure is good as long as it doesn't become cumbersome. I like my ticket numbers mixed up. It never fails if I have one string of numbers they will be calling the other string all night and I have nothing to get excited about. We all have our little quirks, that's what makes the world go round.
Anonymous said…
We need to charge the $10 fee, it will include a nice dessert selection and a sheet of tickets. Certainly this will not work for some people who don't want to pay a fee so I guess this won't be one you will choose to go to. Please don't say I don't listen to you, I have been reading every post and listening attentively, that's really not fair. This is a huge amount of work by a lot of people to provide our kids with cultural programs that we would not be able to afford otherwise, obviously none of us make a cent off it so there is no hidden agenda here, as the obvious poster mentioned it is supposed to be fun. We are charging the admission to pay for supplies, baskets and some good prizes.
Anonymous said…
To Casey1231 - Do what you think is best for your event. You can do your best, and STILL not make some people happy. Focus your efforts on making the event the best you can. Lots of people will support you...and for some of these bloggers, they will always find something to moan about. Here's a thought. Maybe in addition to posting signs about not calling bent tickets, you could be the first to put up a sign that says "If you're going to moan, please go home!!!"
Anonymous said…
jajaja well said.
Anonymous said…
There are rules and there are pet peeves. All committees should figure out which works without being a dictator.
When the doors open, the line to first table immediately bogs down. Amazing how often the first people in line are elderly with canes who simply cannot move fast or take their time really really examining each basket. Many people skip and start at the empty second line of tables while others check out the big prizes until the crowd thins. It is totally acceptable to pass someone in line who is slow for whatever reason. What helps is posting one way direction signs so that you don't end up with people starting at the end of the table and working against the traffic flow. Anyone skipping to the next table should still be going in the forward direction.
Kids are kids - either let them in or stick with gambling age restrictions. Some 12's look like elementary age and other 12's look like high school and all of them will come with mothers insisting they are the age needed to get in. The committee will have to deal with whining and moaning about 'that kid over there' who shouldn't be here. While 12's don't have photo ID's the 18's do.
Put the donors name on the basket or in your printed list of prizes. And yes, don't ever describe basket contents. Use the number only and call out the number drawn. The more the caller talks about anything, the more the crowd will talk and the more difficult to hear the numbers. People actually shutup when you call numbers and crowd noise is minimal if you have a system in place where you can move on to drawing the next prize while others monitor that the prize winner has the winning tickets and only then dump the bowl related to that prize. Please, get multiple drawing bowls and don't have the drawer/announcer wait for the one prize to be verified by the runner before moving on to the next one.
Anonymous said…
Casey made the comment "We are charging the admission to pay for supplies, baskets and some good prizes."
ok ... how do you think other organizations pay for "supplies, baskets and some good prizes"? These are all normal expenses of every event. Some do advance ticket sales, many simply reimburse committee members after the event and most of the large events receive set up funds advanced from the treasurer of their organization.
Several of us braved the weather and attended the Netcong FD tt last Saturday. The last few years they have added a $10 ADMISSION fee. The people who get irritated by admission fees probably caught it, but no one at Netcong paid that admission fee except those who chose not to purchase advance tickets. If you just showed up thinking the iffy weather justified not bothering with the price break of getting 3/$10 instead of paying $5 a sheet, then you also got hit with a $10 admission fee. To0 many organizations set up increasingly higher admission fees, and only charge it to the outsiders. Even when it isn't obvious like how Netcong handled it, the suspicion is always there that volunteers and members of the organization are exempt from paying this special fee. Those same volunteers often have reserved seats up front, the best freebies and snacks, unlimited drinks and sometimes special color tickets. The bent ticket schemes and palming of friends tickets to insure that the right people won the good prizes originated with crooked organizers who probably justified it by 'the huge amount of unpaid work' they had put into the events.
These raffles are regulated under gambling laws. Ticket prices are supposed to be set and everyone pays the same price for the same chance.
Lots of us are starting to wonder about fairness when we see Admission Fee. Thats something organizers should probably want to avoid.
Anonymous said…
To Casey1231....When it gets closer to the posting of your event and you have a contact number I will call you. I have so many baskets that I have been throwing away...you may be able to use them.
Anonymous said…
I am also getting tired of all the different kinds of cheating going on.

Since tricky trays are regulated under gambling laws has anyone ever contacted the gambling commission?

I would like to know what we can do under the law to get rid of the cheaters at both ends. (organizers and attendees)

Both seem to think there is no way to catch them and do anything about it.

What does the gambling commission say about this?

We honest people should get together and let our disgust become known to the proper authority.

Let's not take it anymore, it is our money!
Anonymous said…
Now we have a band of disgusting, but honest people putting a damper on these events. Wow,do you think they'll show up wearing matching shirts and carrying banners? PLEEEEASE, lighten up ladies!
Anonymous said…
IF you hang a sign that say this, I will go home "If you're going to moan, please go home!!!"

Remember there are a lot of us who care nothing about your organization but come out for a night of fun. Don't you dare tell us not to complain if you didn't do your homework and follow the TT Rules. We will show up and you will see it written about on these boards. I promise you. There are many of us!

Admission prices are bull. You should re-think charging one because if you don't give enough tickets with it you will be told. Refreshments (coffee, tea, baked goods) should be free. Have your people bake.

Our group is from Sussex County but travel as far as Morris and Passaic. We have been to many TT and we check this blog often. We also post.

Admission prices stink, period.
Anonymous said…
We only hear from organizers who find it necessary to charge admission.

Now I would like to hear from the organizers who do not charge admission. Since you do not charge admission year after year your fundraiser must be profitable.
Please let the other organizers know how you do it. Are you just more experienced?
I only attend the ones that do not charge admission, although I have in the past gone to ones that charge. I don't find that charging admission makes yours superior, quite the contrary. Since I am not with any group or charity I don't need to support anyone. I don't care what your cause is.
Anonymous said…
To each their own, I am certainly not looking to argue with anyone here. The committe I am working with suggested a $20 fee and I talked it down to $10, and there it will stay. Everyone will pay that and not just "outsiders." Thankfully there are lots of tricky trays to choose from so everyone can pick the one that works best for them. To the poster who has extra baskets, I will certainly take them, you can e-mail me at kccollins@verizon.net. Happy tricky-traying to all.
Anonymous said…
Organizers should be aware that complaints lodged with the gambling commission can result in extremely stiff fines that will wipe out whatever profit your event managed to make. The people posting here are trying to alert organizers that you can't afford to be ignorant about cheating by your attendees or your volunteers. Many of us are concerned donators and longtime supporters of several events. We consider the raffles a great way to make our charitable contributions for the year. Think about it. Maybe its the cheaters who are winning by their various methods that want this conversation to close.
Anonymous said…
Thank You to the above blogger.

I will no longer keep quiet when I see cheating going on and organizers ignoring it. I will also encourage everyone I know who sees the same to contact the gambling commission also.

No longer will we be quiet and ridiculed when its brought to the attention of the organizers.

Organizers-----next time someone tells you about cheating of any kind at your tricky tray---take them seriously-----if you don't-----I will be calling the gambling commission and you will answer to them. That's a promise.
Anonymous said…
I attended the Lakeland Animal Haven Tricky Tray last night.

Here are the positives: tables to sit at, each level had only one color of tickets, calling was fast.

Here are the negatives: prize quality was poor, prices of the tickets were ridiculous ($10 a ticket for a $200 gas card - come on!), tickets were stirred.

I think this one's now off my list.
Giving Network said…
I've been checking here religiously as I plan our Oct 25 Tricky Tray - so thanks to all for sharing your thoughts so candidly.

One question to the PP - it's negative that the tickets were stirred? I thought we were supposed to mix them up to try to ensure a fairer drawing?

Anonymous said…
They should be shaken, not stirred...
Giving Network said…
lol - so what's good for a martini is also good for tickets! That'll be easy to remember!
Anonymous said…
Kudos to Lakeland event for moving out smartly, starting on time and efficiently drawing the numbers with a minimum of chatter. It was all over and we were leaving by 9:30. Coffee and desserts were free - the strawberry filled cake was fantastic.
As noted above, most negatives relate to big prize ticket pricing.
Committees who try to raise more money by raising ticket prices often end up raising less money. Totally agree with above comment, the $200 gas card did not justify $10 ticket. Also $100 value of scratchoffs didn't justify their high ticket price.
The Longaberger items were impressive, but only the collectors took a chance buying the pricey ticket to win the entire table. If they were split into several prizes with lower ticket cost, you would of also had noncollectors taking a chance to win them for presents.
Tickets for two levels of big prizes is fine, but you also had lottery tickets, money hat, longaberger, gas card and 50/50 all needing to be purchased.

Thanks for announcing that no prizes would be awarded to bent tickets. While the announcement was heartfelt and believable, the tickets were dumped/shaken/picked and whatever ticket was drawn out immediately read off by the male announcer. Was he really onboard with making sure that the tickets were not bent/mangled/torn ragged? The StillWater school actually had a second person who examined each ticket before the number was announced and she did reject certain tickets and a second was drawn. Whoever is doing the drawing should be announcing that they are onboard with marked tickets and will be vigilant to award prizes only to unmarked tickets.
Doesn't matter what signs are posted, what announcements are made, what the heartfelt intent of the organizer is. The one drawing and announcing is the weak link that has to keep things honest. There were bent tickets, there were ragged torn tickets in the bags.
Anonymous said…
Put a deck of cards in a bowl and try mixing it up by shaking. The flat shape is similar to tt tickets and unless there is enough room,the tickets don't get mixed they just go up and down. The more tickets, the less mixing.
So shake those tickets and then give them a stir before picking one. That way you satisfy both those who yell "Shake it up" and those who are yelling "Stir it up".

Shake up your picking process also. Some drawers always pick off the top of pile, others always off the bottom.
Anonymous said…
Kudos to Lakeland for getting us out of there in a timely manner, the caller was right on point.

I thought a bit pricy.

Don't forget society is feeling the crunch of the high price of gas and other commodities and we can't go out and spend alot on a night of fun, which we need every once in awhile..

thanks a loyal TT client
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know about the tt AT HOPATCONG hIGH SCHOOL OCT 3 wHO IS THE SPONSOR DON'T SEE ANY advertisment on it. Information appreciated.

Anonymous said…
Are people not getting excited about attending the September events? We've had several events and no one has commented on how they went. Wondering if tt regulars who can't afford to travel just aren't bothering with the blog since they are saving their money.
Anonymous said…
I strongly believe that children should not be allowed at TTs, and for them it would be extrmely boring, and it is annoying when the parents down't watch them so they are just running around getting in the way. I was at a TT is Chester, NJ the other night and it said that there were no children allowed, though they were still there. Apparnently they were not allowed in the room where all the baskets/prizes where located, but they were allowed to be there for the actually drawing. Personally, I think if you say no children it should mean no children at all...meaning don't bring them at all! People go to TT to be with other adults and spend money. We actually ended up getting the table with the the kids and they were very well behaved which was great, and we had a wonderful time....we were lucky! :)
Anonymous said…
I haven't been to any tricky trays since spring. I really have no desire to attend any this season. I don't miss them either. I would rather use that money and go to NYC and attend a Broadway show. I went to a casino last weekend.
TT are not fun like they used to be. The organizers continue to do as they please and ignore the comments on this site. Allowing kids, charging admission etc.

I am an X tricky tray addict. Organizers you win, I mean I win.
Continue to do it your way, I don't care anymore. The end
Anonymous said…
I love Tricky Trays and it is really sad to see how vicious the blogging has been in the last year. I live in Union county and all of the Tricky Trays have admission prices, which is considered the norm. I have been to Tricky Trays with $10 admission and lots of little prizes as well as $40 dinners at country clubs with very high end baskets. Each has its charms and I enjoy each type for what it is. The beauty of this site is that it lets each event tell you in advance what they offer in terms of admission and prizes. If an event does not suit you, just don't go, there is no reason to condemn the organizers, other Tricky Tray customers enjoy the type of event that they are organizing.

It is also sad to see people threaten the organizers with the wrath of the gambling commission. I contacted the commission several times for clarification of prohibited prizes and was met with much indifference. If you think they are going to ride in on a white horse to investigate an event that does not suit your idea of how a Tricky Tray should be run, you are dreaming.

Mr Tricky Tray has a link to the actual state regulations for on premise raffles under the tab where you list an event. If you read the rule you would see that there are many rules for obtaining a license, as well as rules that state that all tickets must be pulled from the same container. There are NO rules concerning bent tickets, ticket colors or the price that you charged for each ticket. It is perfectly acceptable to charge one price for pre-sales as well as package deals for purchase of a large number of tickets.

While it is important to encourage organizers not to pull bent tickets in the name of fairness, threatening them with punitive action for the behavior of their customers that is not illegal, is really unfair to the organizers who are trying to put on a nice event and raise money for a good cause.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for interpreting the state regulations regarding bent tickets etc.!
I will now join the folks who bend their tickets since it is perfectly legal. If we all bend our tickets then we will have an equal chance at winning. Problem solved!
Looks like there is no right or wrong in this world anymore.
Organizers you are off the hook so pull, pull, pull. If anyone complains just tell them its not against the law and if they don't like it to leave. After all we are just trying to put on a nice event and raise money for a good cause.
Anonymous said…
I agree, all this threating in absolutely absurd. I give all of the organizes an extrodinary amount of credit. If people think they are souding tough by threating to contact the commission organizations/churches are not going to WANT to oganize TT anymore, and you sort of can't blame them!

I am sure it is not easy to organize people to donate baskets,find a facility that holds a large number of people, setting up decorations, ordering or making food, and not to mention people to volunteer to work the TT. These people are doing the best they can, they should be praised, not demonized.

I just was at a TT in Chester just the other night, and the whole thing was extrmely organized and everybody was very friendly and welcoming. You could tell they were putting a huge effort into making sure that everybody had a good time and felt welcomed. As a matter a fact I emailed one of the organizers this morning to thank her for doing such a great job, and to congratualate thier church on a job well done.
Anonymous said…
A great tricky tray is Friday, October 24, 2008 at
St. Joseph Regional School
20 Jefferson Street
Newton, NJ 07860

I went last year and have NO COMPLAINTS even though I didn't win!
Trays start with a $100.00 retail value!

I have no connection to this event except as a satisfied customer.
I give credit where it is due and will continue to COMPLAIN when I feel a need to. That's what this site is all about. Let's not forget that! There is nothing vicious about that.
Anonymous said…
Great Tricky Tray comming up. I think its the best around. The Hunterdon Developmental Center on October 26th at the Garden State Exhibit Center. They are raffling off a 09 Toyota Camry. There prizes are awsome. You have to try to go, haven't misssed in 12 years. Excellent
Anonymous said…
Wow - been gone a while and just looking over what has been posted - still on the cheating subject ! I did notice one email about organizations letting their volunteers in free and getting the best tables - our volunteers all have to buy tickets just like anyone else.

Also, I am not sure what this "admission" fee is - is it (for example) $10.00 - just to get in the door or is it still considered an "admission fee" if there are two or three sheets of tickets with it?

Also, I can tell you that our organization does not pay FOR ANY OF THE BASKETS - we just simply don't have the money, so it is a few volunteers who antsy up their own money to buy supplies, baskets, etc. etc.

I won't be doing this again next year, this is my third year and the pressure to please all of you whiners out there is just too much. We need the money, but I need a break from you moaners.

To those of you who understand what we organizers go through, thank you. It is a lot of very hard work, sleepless nights - I have spent my entire summer and then some working on the TT and only that.
Anonymous said…
Just because we give our opinion does not make us whiners. Sounds like organizers do a fair share of whining.
Anonymous said…
I can't imagine why there seems to be less Tricky Trays posted on this site..these blogs are heartless. Have we heard from Our Lady of Mount Virgin yet, the #1 tricky tray 2 years in a row or did you all scare them away too???
Anonymous said…
I haven't heard anything about Our Lady of Mount Virgin yet. Though I have been checking thier website. I have heard nothing but great things about this TT, but how hard it was to get tickets because they sell out so quickly since you have to buy tickets of time. But this is one TT I am def not missing out on...the Olympic gold medalist of TTs! :)
Anonymous said…
OLMV just posted..Nov 7th
Anonymous said…
There isn't an event out there that doesn't take months of volunteer effort. Volunteering means you believe in and support the goals and needs of your nonprofit. It doesn't give you the right to disregard fairness and honesty by proclaiming anything other than outright praise to be whining or moaning.
TT regulars see and recognize patterns that the one event organizers and attendees are either oblivious to or think they can get away with. Do you really think we continue to support organizations that have organizers that are oblivious? As you put it, there are choices and we take our donations with us when we choose. If you can put your egos on hold, most of us are trying to help you have successful events.
Drawing and awarding prizes to tickets that are marked and distinctive in any way, implies that the announcer/drawer is crooked.
Anonymous said…
I can assure you that our TT is as honest as it can be - up until reading all of these blogs I really had no idea that people would cheat - and I am not a naive person.

I fully understand what volunteering means, I have been doing it for 7 years now and I fully support the goals of our organization wholeheartedly and I don't have an ego problem. We see volunteers come and go because of their ego problem, so I know a lot about egos.

All I can in closing is that I give 150% of my time to the cause I support and we do our very best to hold a good event. We are not out to cheat anyone and we don't expect anyone to cheat us either. It is that simple.
Anonymous said…
To Vickie Elkins - you had posted a blog a while ago - good luck with your Tricky Tray, don't let all these negative comments put you off. There are some good folks out there.
Anonymous said…
There are loads of good people at tt.com trying to offer suggestions to help organizers out. Hopefully more organizers are absorbing the info shared than those who take personal insult.
Better to be proactive and consider the possibility of cheating, whether children will be allowed, what happens if a runner drops and breaks a gift and figure out what options you have before it happens.
Anonymous said…
Really the answer is if you are worried that TT events/organizers are cheating simply don't go, and don't speculate on posssible cheating, because that only scares away people who want to go to events as well as the organizers. If organizers feel that people on TT.com are "out to get them" and then post horrible things on this blog nobody is going to want to organize them let alone go to them. People are going out to have a good time, not be the TT police!

I am actually planning going to go to a TT in Basking Ridge that is allowing children...from what I have heard on this site, I hope it will be alright because I def don't want to go out just to get aggratated!
Anonymous said…
Noone is trying to scare anyone, nor out to get them. Cheating is a fact of life, not a speculation, by organizers and attendees.
Instead of staying home because of it , we are going to announce it on TT.com. What's so horrible about the truth? I am happy to read that some organizers do appreciate our advise.
We can't have a good time if we see cheating and nothing is done about. We don't like to throw our money away. Now you stop your whining.
Anonymous said…
It's not about whinning, I just think all this talk about cheating is getting a little redundant. I agree that it's good and it's a valuable tool for organizers to read the advice, but at some point you have to trust in the organizers best judgement and not trying to stick it to them with threats, that is not advice!
Anonymous said…
What's the word on which TT's are worth going to this week-end...there are so many to choose from! Did anyone go to any of these last year? How were they? Please get back to me, as we've got a whole crew of ladies who want to be at the best event this week-end. Thx!
Anonymous said…
Cheating is redundant at every tt, so until it stops you will read about it on this blog. It has nothing to do with trusting the organizers' best judgment. It's only been since cheating was continuously brought up on this blog that we hear organizers responding to the comments. Until then most had no clue that cheating was a problem.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone buy tickets to the Brownstone tonight? Terrible weather expected, but I love the food there.
Anonymous said…
I am very much looking forward to the TT at OLMV, has anybody here ever been to it? What kind of baskets did they have, and I know some TT have actually food you can buy such as dinner items rather than deserts. I was at one where they had meatballs sandwiches, though I didn't buy one they looked delicious! So any reviews....I would love to know!
Anonymous said…
I use to read the blog but i too am tired of the cheating stuff. Any organization can post their own rukes. Bent tickets will not be pulled sometimes also comes from town rules. You have state regulations and when you go to the town for a liscense they also give you rules. Our school and other schools are now just selling within the school tickets to our tt we sell out in 1 week. I know a catholic school sells out in two days. So all you people who can't behave and are childish stay home. If everyone is dropping their ticket in a bucket 100 tickets and thre are bent you are doing something different then 97% of the people. I go to many tt and if i don't like it I don't go back. Admission helps them buy prizes, rent halls etc... Everyone forgets its a fundraiser.... Alot of parents who work and have worked for months on preparing a good tt spend alot of money at their childs/grandchilds school/sports fundraiser etc for it is for a good cause. so if you see them win more they spent alot more than you did and have a better chance of winning. So alot of the good tt will be off limits to you childish / ranting and cheating people. A night will be enjoyed.........
Anonymous said…
Opted out of the Brownstone last night since I didn't know if we'd get in without advance tix. Anyone go? Last year they had good stuff.
Anonymous said…

its not just TTs that are a problem...some parents let their kids run wild anywhere--

a few years ago a little girl died because she was running around a clothing store and fell onto a display hanger..

people were quick to say the store was at fault (it is a mess most of the time)--but truthfully-both the store and the parent were at fault..

If you bring your children-you must be prepared to deal with them--bring some activities..

a friend on mine might bring her toddler--if the girl can't sit quietly--my friend will bring her out--and I will watch her tickets
Anonymous said…
Better yet......leave them home with daddy.
Anonymous said…
"Nutley PTA Mom Pleads Guilty To Tricky-Tray Thievery"

Anonymous said…
So, how was attendance at St Theresa's event. Every time I've went its been packed. Was the number and value of prizes on par with previous years?
Anonymous said…
The Nutley lady had an executive position in the organization, and she had access to the PTA's cash...TT was just one of the funding activities that went into the bank account. The article does not say that she was convicted of thievery for cheating at a Tricky Tray. This blog is getting as crazy as the Presidential debates.
Anonymous said…
I attended the TT at St. Francis in Denville tonight. We had a great time. The seating was limited, so it was not overcrowded, which I love. Too many people takes the fun out of an event, especially when you can't move around. The night started out a little slow, but there were over 200 prizes, the calling started right on time and we were done by 10:00pm. Due to the set up of the place, the calling was a little slow and the runners had to check three different rooms, but all in all there were no complaints. The organizers did a wonderful job, there were plenty of desserts for everyone available and everyone was so nice and friendly and helpful. This is how a tricky tray should always be. And when I bought my tickets, I was told, and announcements were made, that no bent tickets will be accepted. Hats off to the organizers for a wonderful event.
Anonymous said…
i went io the St therese TT the majority of the4 tickets called were 0093---'. THOUGHT it strange as there many other numbers out there . had a great time thou.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone go to the St. Luke's TT this weekend?
Anonymous said…
The Dow went down by over 650 points today. This really cuts into disposable income and just about everybody is now worth alot less than they were yesterday. To the organizers: I know you are trying to raise funds as well, but does anyone have any innovative ideas on how to keep the majority of us TTers able to attend your events?
Anonymous said…
Actually it went down 777 points.
I will still attend TT's but will only spend the admission price which includes a sheet of tickets. I will buy one additional sheet and the 50/50. That's about $25.00. I will only put my tickets in baskets that I really want, that's why I can get away with a few sheets of tickets.
I will also be much more selective and will only go to the ones I know are good from the past. I would prefer no admission charge so I could purchase an extra sheet of tickets.
Organizers, are you listening?
Anonymous said…
Yep - if you don't charge admission, your attendees just spend that $ on more tickets. It's good service to not charge at the door. I'll be turning down the ones with admission too, I'd rather get tickets for my bucks.
Anonymous said…
I am a big fan of using my money to but tickets, and NOT paying $30-$40 for a dinner. I particularly like the events that allow us to bring our own food...it helps me stick to my healthier choices, eat if and when I want, and avoid a pretty calorie packed dessert. For those organizers that traditionally plan their TTs around a big sit down dinner, you may want to consider just having an extended cocktail hour-not a huge buffet, but rather more of the 'picking' kind, i.e. crackers, cheeses, crudite, etc. and whatever you can negotiate with the catering hall. It is definitely NOT as pricey as full dinner, and you'll probably make more for your organization, as guests will have more money to buy chances with.
Anonymous said…
yes, we are listening ...... we will put our prices out and it is up to the individual to buy what they can afford - you ahve control over that! Take control of your own destiny and don't expect us to wipe your feet!
Anonymous said…
'don't expect us to wipe your feet'?
Organizers should be showing a tad bit of humility since they are requesting the public to bring their money and support their cause. There is a limited amount of cash coming in the door at any event. It's the organizers choice whether they pigeon hole expenses into an admission fee or graciously give attendees tickets for their money.
Anonymous said…
The papers all have this event listed which has a great reputation for prizes. Not sure why it never made it to tt.com for posting.

TRICKY TRAY sponsored by the Highliters Baton & Dance Corps Parent Association in the gymnasium at Hopatcong High School, 2 Windsor Ave., Hopatcong. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; calling begins at 8 p.m. Information: (973) 222-0324.
Anonymous said…
We do give tickets at the door with the "admission" price - not sure what all this "admission" stuff is about - you can't get something for nothing.

The economy has hit us all hard - if you can't afford to come out to a TT, then stay home, it is your choice and only your choice. The show will go on with or without you.
Anonymous said…
We do give tickets at the door with the "admission" price - not sure what all this "admission" stuff is about - you can't get something for nothing.

The economy has hit us all hard - if you can't afford to come out to a TT, then stay home, it is your choice and only your choice. The show will go on with or without you.
Anonymous said…
I see they had lottery tickets at Lakeland - didn't think they were allowed at TT's ?
Anonymous said…
Somebody needs an attitude adjustment. Classy.
Which TT are you organizing? Don't keep that tricky tray a secret!
Anonymous said…
Has anyone been to any nice tricky trayslately? It seems we are only talking about the bad things lately.
Anonymous said…
The above organizer validates everything we have reported on this blog. She is arrogant and does not know when to keep quiet and appreciate those of us who support TT's. She is the kind we run into at TT's with a lousy, better than though attitude.
I don't have a $ problem and still refuse to go to all TT's regardless of what is offered. You seem to think we should give you money just to walk through the door....pardon me lady... TT's are not my destiny!
Anonymous said…
TT at Hopatcong wa very nice and ran very smoothly.

Kudos HOIPATCONG, Keep up the good work.
Anonymous said…
Hello - is anybody out there????

I attended a tricky tray this past weekend in Raritan that was not listed on this site.

Positives: tables to sit at, no kids, about 300 prizes and 250 people, package prices for tickets (which you needed because the tickets were expensive!)

Negatives: ticket prices ($15 admission got you a sheet of tickets, a goody bag, desserts and coffee; $12 a sheet for prizes worth up to $50; $15 a sheet for prizes from $50-$100), winning tickets weren't checked, buying food was a hassle - they had to fill out a ticket for every item.

I spent what I would normally spend and came home a winner, but I don't know if I would go again. I like to have lots of tickets to look at!
Anonymous said…
Yes I agree with having some tickets in hand. Win or lose you felt like you had a chance. Not going to any this year that charge $10 plus per sheet. Especially for prizes $50 and under. Sometimes they put $10 items in. I don't mind paying a fee to get in as long as it's only around $10. I do understand sometimes they have to pay to use the hall or school.
Giving Network said…
I've been paying close attention to everything posted here for months now, and hope that as a result we'll be putting on a tricky tray you'll all enjoy.

We charge $10 admission, but that'll include a full sheet of tickets, entry for door prizes, coffee and dessert.
Additional sheets of tickets are only $5 apiece for regular level baskets (min $25 value, but looks so far like most are closer to $50-75, with some higher).

I had asked earlier for suggestions from TT.com bloggers about what prizes you'd like to see, and we have done our best to meet those requests - for example we'll have a GPS, hotel stay, ipod dock, gift/gas/visa cards, stuff for the guys, kids, teachers....

We have a "training", lol, for our callers and runners, so they'll be efficient. We're using containers with lids & all volunteers will be looking for the signs of cheating you have shared here.

We've assured adquate amplification and plenty of seating.

Hope to see a lot of you there!

(Tricky Tray to benefit the Giving Network Oct 25 in Manville)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for listening! I'll try to attend your event. Are tickets sold in advance or do we get them at the door?
Anonymous said…
Any suggestions for this weekend? Prefer no/low admission charge and reasonable ticket prices relative to the value of the prizes. Willing to travel.
Since some of you appear to already be reading our blog... (someone literally copy/pasted my TT "rules" verbatim, and posted them on here....)

I figured I should post a link. Feel free to stop by, enjoy our stories and comments are welcome...


We originally started it for fun, but now it's great to look back at all our misadventures on the TT circuit.
Anonymous said…
Wounded Warrior Tricky Tray no admission charge! coffee and snacks free! over 200 trays including a bon jovi signed guitar!
Sussex Elks Lodge 10/10 6pm!
Giving Network said…
Thanks for listening! I'll try to attend your event. Are tickets sold in advance or do we get them at the door?

Tickets for the Giving Network tricky tray are available at the door.
Looking forward to seeing you there - thanks!
Anonymous said…
A small group of us are organizing our first tricky tray. When doing the research, I see that prize ticket prices vary a LOT! We are by no means holding a 200 - 400 person event. It's a smaller, more intimate TT with about 100 people. If we have say 30 prizes under $30, 60 between $30 - $150, and 10 over $150, what would be a reasonable amount to charge for a sheet of tickets?

The event is also a full sit down dinner & dessert with beer and wine included, which I'm sure makes a difference. Any input is greatly appreciated!! Thanks in advance :)
Anonymous said…
Your sit down dinner TT sounds good except for beer and wine. I don't drink and don't want to pay for those who do drink. Let it be a cash bar. Thank you. Good luck.
Anonymous said…
So, what does anyone know about any of this week-end's TTs? I am so depressed by this stock market, that I need to immerse myself in the pure excitement of hoping my numbers will be called. A simple pleasure, I know, but it's good to know where to find one when you need it. Then maybe I can win at something this week! Any good ones out there?
Anonymous said…
Ok I will be the first to comment on the tt tonight for CAMP AUXILIUM
in Newton. OMG there were over 1000 people there. I'm not even making that up. Does anyone really need a tt that big???? Have two a year charge a small admission but that was crazy. I know there were to NJ troopers there and they really should have said something with the number of people there. That was a fire hazard for sure. There also wasn't enough prizes for the number of people. I know it takes them sooooooooooooooo long to call all there numbers but they really should scale it back. They actually had shuttles from your car to the place. Funny when you wanted to leave not so many shuttles. Other then that I have many nice things to say. Plenty of free food (although they ran out of water and other beverages for you to purchase), prizes were of nice quality, the people working it were nice and so polite, ticket prices were not crazy,and when we all opted to not take a break they listened to us. This is only my opinion I'm sure others might have thought it was much grander but not worth all the hassle.
Anonymous said…
Some people seem to forget that TTs are to raise money for an organization--not for the attendees to be GIVEN royal treatment-----its not about the attendees NEEDS...
a TT benefits an organization--not the attendee

yes you need to consider what attendees want--but you can't cater to them...
but complaining about small admission fees ($5-$10) is rude....
especially when it comes with a starter sheet of tickets--snacks and coffee....not to mention there may have been costs such as advertising, materials, etc...

i have run TTs and attended many...

the TT i ran was $10 admission--and had an open buffet (free)-in addition to the started tickets....the prizes were good-not spectacular---it was our 1st TT-and we were a small group that served childern with disabilities.

as far as fancy dinners-they have limited use--high end TT only-like a dinner dance with a TT on the side with only high end prizes (minimum $100)
Anonymous said…
these petty critical comments are very annoying
VOLUNTEERS work hard on TTs
yes there are some bad apples--but the attitudes go to far..

complaining about a caller making bad jokes--gimme a break--thats not a major problem--

you need to have EMPATHY when going to TTs--some things are legitimate grips--but too many comments seem like people think TTs are meant to benefit the attendee--not the VOLUNTEER NON PROFIT organization
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh Organizers, get over it! This is a blog to discuss Tricky Trays. Take your medicine and shut up! We are spending our hard earned money. You better believe we have the right to state our opinions. Get over it!!
Anonymous said…
I went to the Camp Aux Tricky Tray in Newton last night and let me say it is one of my favorites (and no, there were not 1000 people there!).

Here are the best parts:

1. 3 Levels of prizes.

2. Regular Trays valued up to $100 - $4 a sheet. Specials - 3 tickets for $1. Super Specials (Wii, $200 worth of lottery tickets etc.) - 3 tickets for $5. These prices were excellent and fair.

3. FREE refreshments and plenty of them.

4. No Admission charges!!!

5. 50/50 was over $2400 to the winner!!!


The organizers did a great job with this Tricky Tray. I've been to this one the last four years and it NEVER disappoints.

I hope the organizers who read this blog take some advice from this sensational Tricky Tray. There is no doubt Camp Auxilium made a huge profit and the attendees had fun.
Anonymous said…
One of the worst tricky trays I have been to yet! St. Stephen
Antiochian Orthodox Church in South Plainfield tonight. When I say bad It was bad I'm not sure where to start. Ok the price to get in was 6 bucks didn't come with anything but ok I can look past that part. Then low level not even worth 5 buck prizes. It was $10 bucks a sheet. The only time I think that is ever called for is when you have grand baskets and prizes are worth 100 bucks. Then as you went up in levels the prices just went up and up. I can't say there were loads of great prizes at all. It was pure GREED!!! GREED GREED GREED!!! I know churches need money and you have these fund raisers but come on this was just wrong. Everyone who was not a church member was walking around complaining. Then they just let so many people in ran out of tables and chairs but still let more and more in. They broke many fire codes. I think one of us should have called the fire department. If I didn't already buy my tickets I would have left. The prices of there food was triple that I have paid at other tricky trays. So my warning to everyone never ever ever go to a tricky tray at this place. I am a regular and I don't normally act to harsh but this was just wrong.
Anonymous said…
I just got back from the St Stephen's South Plainfield TT, and the prizes were dreck. Anything that looked remotely good was in an opened and run down packaging. The first tier gifts were almost all garbage, and here's the clincher, they charged $10.00 per sheet for the entry level gifts. They did not have a strong gift array, and all of their prices were high.
Anonymous said…
Don't want to call anyone out but the person who stated there wasn't 1000 people at Camp Aux Tricky Tray in Newton must be on there board. We counted over 800 and that didn't include outside people or other locations they had set up. Maybe someone is afraid next year the fire department might make a visit. I had fun I'm not complaining but the person who wrote there was over 1000 was correct.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, not a "board" member. Just a TT regular giving my opinion of the Tricky Tray - NOT how many people attended.
Anonymous said…
Camp Auxillium TT was great, one of my favorite TT's. Prizes were great and so were the prices of all 3 levels. About 400 prizes in all. The 50/50 was $2386.00 to the lucky winner. We sat in the main room and were not crowded. I checked out the other rooms (where there was more food)and they were not crowded either. This TT is so well run it should be a model for all the other lousy TT's. All tickets were of the same color, never ran out. So many TT's can't say that! Free food was abundant...veggies, fruit, cakes, brownies, cheese and crackers etc. The 2 nun callers were efficient and fast.
The setting for this facility is spectacular. There is a lake with beautiful fall colored trees around it. The perfect setting for a fall TT. No wonder it is so popular. I will attend again next year. The staff is great and should be commended, they have a good attitude. There was no greed at this event. Not even an admission charge. The seat to sit on was free, unlike so many other TT's were you get nothing for an admission price. Tickets I buy anyway!
Great job organizers! I have no affiliation with this TT.
Anonymous said…
If you had 3 tiers of prizes, what would be the best way to group them price wise and what is a normal price for the sheets of tickets? I'm thinking tier one would be up to $75, tier two up to $150 and tier 3 above that. Not sure how much to charge for tickets, open to suggestions. Running a tt in March.
Anonymous said…
It is nice to see that so many of the upcoming Tricky Trays are sold out. I guess the economy is not really effecting the desire for a fun night out with the chance to win for not that much money. I know that all the organizers work hard and it is nice that their efforts are being rewarded with such high levels of participation.
Anonymous said…
To the person asking about prices of tickets according to tiers. Take a look at the prices listed above for the Camp Auxillium TT. They were fair. They had about 10 Specials (value $150) and 8 or 10 Super Specials ($200 and up). More than that and it gets too expensive for people.
Anonymous said…
To the person who says so many TT's are sold out. What are you talking about? There are only 4 sold out TT's listed here....out of a least 75 or 100 under the events page.
You sound like an organizer. It does not cost a small amount of money to attend one!
Anonymous said…
About price levels, I went to one this week-end that advertized that the first group of prizes were valued at $25.00 or more, but everything in that category looked like it came out of someone's garage. Example: I won a frame that I know sells for $5.00 at best in Target. So, whatever pricing level you choose, PLEASE take a moment and view the gift as an attendee would. If we can buy it in a store for $5.00, but the original label says it was $25.00,unless it is something amazing, then we aren't fools, and don't appreciate being treated that way. A $5.00 gift just that, $5.00. There are always going to be exceptions, but the rule should be, organizers need to stay objective, and give us the value you are advertizing for each prize level.
Anonymous said…
I attended the Canfield Avenue School tricky tray in Mine Hill. There were about 400 prizes! I was selective with my tickets, so I didn't spend a fortune. I would say the prices were on target.

1st level (over 230 prizes): up to $40 value - $4 per sheet, 3/$10
2nd level (over 80 prizes): $40-70 - 8 tickets/$3
3rd level (50 prizes): $70-100 - 3/$2
4th level (40 prizes): $100-200 - 3/$5
5th level (10 prizes): $200-300 - 3/$8
6th level (2 prizes): over $300 - 3/$12

They had a detailed program and called rapidly. It was a bit hard to follow the calling as they were alternating calling from the beginning and end of each level, but it was ok by me since I don't check off on the program which prizes I put in for.

Came home a winner and would go again.
Anonymous said…
I also attended St Stephen's South Plainfield I think it was more of a garage sale. The prices were so overpriced I had to pick what sections to play. I spent a lot of money and had hardly any tickets to show for it.
Maybe they should read this blog before planning another event.
Anonymous said…
Too many levels at the above TT.
First level should be up to $100.00, second level up to $250.00 and third level over $250.00. Need to combine the prizes since $40.00 trays are not worth even that much. Put more items in each basket to bring up the value. We hate "stuff" also known as "junk". We like quality items, services, don't accept just anything from your donors. Make it something useful etc., not silly nik naks.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the above poster. Canfield Avenue School tricky tray sounds like they had too many levels. If you stick to regulars ($50-$100) Specials ($100 - $150) and Super Specials ($150 and up) you'll do fine. Too many specials and super specials at a price that make me feel like I can't even be in it, well than I just don't buy any. Organizers need to give me tickets for my money - if they give only 1 for $5 on a super special, I may not even buy one at all but if they give me 3 for $5 than maybe I will. I think most people think this way.
Anonymous said…
So many tricky trays this weekend - where are the good ones?
Anonymous said…
Went to the dystonia tt last night. will never go again. I am a frequent tricky tray person. I had gone 2 yrs ago and it was nice. Well where do I start, it cost $45 for a dinner which was nice. they had about 210 baskets on lower level. some were really cheap baskets. Gift certificates from rest.com they paid $10 for $25 and some were $5 for $25 certificate. be serious. so know they call the first 100 prizes tickets were pulled ahead of time. thats a no no. second the next 110 gifts they pulled the tickets outside the room wrote them on sheets and then passed the sheets out and you put your table number on sheet and they collected them. then bought the gift to you. if you didn't win then the fun was all over in 3 minutes.. how boring.... every single person at my table said they would never attend again. and the table behind us. Mind you this is their 15th year. I am truly aware that it is for a good cause. I spent good money and at least expect to have a good time. oh well another tt to cross off our list........
Anonymous said…
Went to the dystonia tt last night. will never go again. I am a frequent tricky tray person. I had gone 2 yrs ago and it was nice. Well where do I start, it cost $45 for a dinner which was nice. they had about 210 baskets on lower level. some were really cheap baskets. Gift certificates from rest.com they paid $10 for $25 and some were $5 for $25 certificate. be serious. so know they call the first 100 prizes tickets were pulled ahead of time. thats a no no. second the next 110 gifts they pulled the tickets outside the room wrote them on sheets and then passed the sheets out and you put your table number on sheet and they collected them. then bought the gift to you. if you didn't win then the fun was all over in 3 minutes.. how boring.... every single person at my table said they would never attend again. and the table behind us. Mind you this is their 15th year. I am truly aware that it is for a good cause. I spent good money and at least expect to have a good time. oh well another tt to cross off our list........
Anonymous said…
I went to the Dystonia TT as well and was just so disappointed. This was my 3rd and final year attending. First, the prizes weren't anything special..hardly any electronics (maybe 2 toaster ovens)and there just seemed 2 be less quality items than other years. Then I had an issue with the caller. I know her heart was in the right place being that this event was in honor of her deceased daughter but i was really disgusted by the amount of times she impatiently asked everyone to quiet down.Every other minute,from the time she gave her speach about the disease to the final basket being called she kept saying quiet down quiet down...i felt like i was back in grade school. It was a night to raise money and socialize and yet i was afraid to make a peep for fear of getting yelled at. Then they announced that they would call the first 100 first level prizes and then pass out a sheet with the remaining 110 winning numbers. That really ruined my night. I love the excitement of hearing the numbers, the adrenaline rush of hoping that its yours..it was taken away by using the sheets. Immediately we decided we would not be returning next year. When we complained we were told that they did this to save time because people were complaining the night lasted too long. The first 100 prizes were announced in 30 minutes. It took almost an hour to pass out the sheets of winning numbers and then bring the baskets to the winners. And on top of it, it was another 15 minutes for errors..they acually asked some people to give back their prizes!!! We sat at our table for over an hour with nothing going on. To make matters worse, the super 50/50 had 3 winners...guess what...all 3 winners were affiliated with the organization!!!!! Sounds just a bit shady to me. It must be said that I won 3 times, 2 of them being super level prizes so i am not a disgruntled loser..but i will be taking the large amount of money i spent somewhere else next year. It was just a huge disappointment!!! Good luck to your organization but you'll be without me next year!
Anonymous said…
I would like to have some feedback on the PASS -
Parsippany Animal Supporters Society event last night 10/17.

Our volunteers work hard and are always interested in ideas to make our event better.

Anonymous said…
Kidos to you people at the Dystonia one. Everything you said was 100% true. Oh my it was the worse night I ever had.. How sad a nice event turned into something so boring. Our table of ten will never go back again,will spend our big bucks elsewhere. How dare them take all the fun out of a tricky tray.
Anonymous said…
Went to the Castle of Dreams tt on the 16th. Baskets and major prizes were very nice. People were friendly and they called out every number. My table are all planning to go again next year.
Anonymous said…
Also went to the Dystonia tricky tray. I do understand the hard work going into an event like this one. I've helped with a large scale one this year. And also just did (almost entirely myself) a smaller one recently. The economey is hard. But I worked just as hard getting the prizes.
Anyway I just mentioned that because some of the workers get on the defense and think we don't have any idea what they go through! I went to the Dystonia one 3 or 4 years ago when they had some great prizes. One being a walk on spot to "Law and Order". This year the prizes were a disappointment. And whatever were they thinking of putting the winners on a sheet for us to review? Too many errors. Good luck next year. You have lost some repeat attenders.
Anonymous said…
Went to a TT this weekend for the parsippany rotary…. Lets say…. DISAPPOINTING!

SPENT $35 per head and they did NOT even give one sheet of tickets. Then the tickets where extremely expensive and the merchandise was crap for the ticket amount. Lets say I have never ever been to an event where there was so few tickets put in the cup. How embarrassing for the organizer. This is another reminder to organizer… know your audience. Oh the door prizes….don’t even get me started here.

Lets say our table will never be returning… heard the same from the table next to me too.
Anonymous said…
I am glad I didn't go to the Dystonia one this year. Went the last two years. First year it was really good, 2nd year it was bad. People at my table that won baskets said the stuff was dirty and looked used. I chose to go the Castle of Dreams in Matawan since they were first runner up for 2007. They had really good prizes and we had a blast. Will definitely go again next year. Dinner was great, people were friendly and the caller was comical. Kudos to Castle of Dreams!!
Anonymous said…
I went to PASS, Parsippany Animal Supporters on 10/17. It was nice. The prizes were nice, the prices were good, the dessert was good and plentiful. We had a nice time.
Anonymous said…
Now onto Our Lady of The Most Holy Rosary. We specifically went to this because it was so good last year. WHAT A HOT MESS THIS WAS!! They had so many people packed in it was unbearable, there had to be at least 500 people. They had 20 people to a looooong table. The back of the persons chair at the next table was TOUCHING the back of your chair. If anyone had to go to the bathroom the table table had to get up to let them out. We were so tight to the person next to us that we could have eaten off each others plates. This had to be a fire hazard. They decided to stand next to the prizes and call the numbers WITHOUT A MICROPHONE. when people complained they started calling them out to a man sitting on stage who would say the number through a microphone from the stage. Alot of the times he couldnt even hear the number and was repeating a wrong number out tot he crowd. If someone won who was near the person calling the prize they would shout here and then the rest of us wouldnt even get a chance to hear the number at all. So for most of the 4 1/2 hours, we could no thear any of the numbers. They did not shake or even stir the numbers. Sometimes she ran her hand around in it a little bit, but most of the time they dumped the container and she drew right off the top. So whoever put the tickets in at the onset of the event was the winner. The one holding the container was bouncing the container up and down and that was supposed to represnt shaking. The tickets werent even moving while she was doing it. Then the organizers started getting nasty with the crowd shouting "if you can do it better come up and do it yourself" and when asked to shake the tickets they threw their hands up and said "it doesnt matter if we shake it". I am going to tell you organizers at Most Holy Rosary that as soon as I see you are having your tricky tray next year, I am going to alert the fire department and insist they go over there and check the place out. Please take me at my word for this, this is my promise to you. I think it is OUTRAGEOUS for you to put people in and auditorium so tight they would never get out in the event of a fire.
Anonymous said…
More organizers who do not listen to us or do not read this blog.

There should be something said on this blog about every TT event posted here. We need to know good or bad if organizers are "getting" what we say.

I am going to one this Friday and rest assured I will let everyone know .....good or bad....hopefully good.
Anonymous said…
The question of reasonable ticket pricing keeps coming up. When organizers raise the ticket price thinking they will get more money, you just get stressed attendees who can purchase fewer tickets because you attend with only so much money. You aren't going to push someone usually spending $300 up to $400 anymore than the retiree who can only afford $20 into spending $30.

Organizers and volunteers often are unfamiliar with any event other than their own. Unfortunately some organizers attempt to broaden their horizons by attending a single other event which somehow makes them expert and beyond critique. Bet most of those bothering to comment have been regularly attending and even organizing events for years.
Even though you wrap those $20 prizes in spiffy ribbons and colored wrap we can't hardly see through, it doesn't justify your high admission and ticket costs. Most attendees would rather you not spend $$ to but prizes in baskets and wrap them up to the point no one can see what the prize is let alone what size it might be. It takes a lot of volunteer time and its unnecessary admin expense that gets pushed into justifying increased 'admission fees'.
Cost of desserts is highly overrated. Kudos to those organizations that provide healthy snacks that attendees can eat without blowing their diets or risking diabetic issues.
Giving Network said…
Thanks again for all the thoughts, everyone! This organizer, for one, is trying darned hard to make a good event for you all.

The Giving Network Tricky Tray (this Saturday in Manville) will provide both healthy and ..um.. not as healthy snack choices (desserts and veggie/fruit/cheese platters).

We've done our best to make sure contents of baskets are easy to see by using clear cellophane & labelling most of the baskets with a list of the contents (which will also be in the program)

Hope to see you all there!
Anonymous said…
I pay $5 max for a regular sheet of tickets. Even better, 5 sheets for $20 almost guarantees that everyone will buy $20 worth of tickets at the very least.

Specials, like say a Nintendo Wii should be 3 tickets for $5. NOT $5 for one tickets. I won't buy one then.

Just another regular TT person giving my opinion.
Anonymous said…
To answer the blog on October 22 - "reasonable ticket pricing keeps coming up" --- we don't have "admin costs" - it is volunteer cost - just to let you know that not every organization has their expenses covered. Understand what you are saying, but think it better to have some kind of wrap around the basket (prize) or else a lot of the stuff could fall out or fall into someone's bag. We don't use colored paper either.

As always we are doing our best to make sure our TT makes people happy (or at least a few of them ) - smiley face :0
Anonymous said…
What does it mean "you don't have admin costs...it is volunteer cost? Do you pay your volunteers?
To cover your expenses keep some of the previous years profit for next years expenses. Clear plastic wrap is perfect. Closed containers are best. Good luck
Anonymous said…
Last night my family and I attended the St. Joseph TT in Newton. This is the one where regular trays start at $100.00. Tickets cost only $25.00 for 6 sheets or $5.00 each. The next prize level was 10 tickets for 5.00, which included the Wii and a GPS. The 3rd level were 5 tkts for $10.00. These were all expensive prizes. No cheap garage sale junk at this TT.
NO admission charge and free refreshments all night. Trays of veggies, fruit platters. Great variety of desserts. Never ran out of any. Free coffee, even decaf and tea. Soda $.50 and hot dogs only $1.00. Boy, could other organizers learn a lot from these organizers on how to run a successful TT!
Everyone was given a detailed program to follow. It shows the organizer to be a Cecilia Metzgar. It would be wise for other organizers to contact her for advice.
I have no connection to this TT. This is the 2nd year I have attended and will again attend next year.
PS...I do have one "complaint" blue and green tickets for the regular trays....not a good idea! One color tickets only please!
Anonymous said…
Last Saturday I attended the Bonafides of Somerset Hills tricky tray in Basking Ridge. One word sums it up: DISAPPOINTING! I don't usually mind paying an admission fee if I get AT LEAST one sheet of tickets with it. But, no, nothing! They even charged for children! Trust me, my 12-year old daughter was not there to spend her money, she spent mine! Children should never be charged for admission. The prizes were very disappointing. Even the super prizes were lame, and probably should have been regular prizes. We couldn't decide to go to this one, or the one in Mendham. What a mistake! Never again.
Anonymous said…
When I said "no admin costs" - I meant that our organization does not have money to put out for the TT, so several of the volunteers pay for a lot of the expenses, plus donating baskets and lots and lots of time.

We do use the clear wrap or bags.

Wish we could all be so fortunate as the St. Joseph TT - great that their's is so good. Is this a school - if so, I guess all the parents have to donate a basket - we really have to push for ours - makes a huge difference, but we do what we can and I think we have nice baskets. It is not for the lack of trying I can tell you :)
Anonymous said…
I tried to find a parking space at the Budd Lake TT. None to be found. It was raining so hard I didn't want to park someplace else and then have to walk in the rain, and take the chance of being towed..

I know the hall is small where did they put all the people? It appeared you had a great turnout maybe next year I will leave earlier so i can get a space to park and be a potentail winner.

How was it everyone?
Anonymous said…
Last night I went to Second Chance For Animals in Somerset. I would like to start off with everyone working this event was very nice and ticket prices were good. Even most of the prizes were good. Here is my one big complaint the CALLER!!! He was long winded, and so drawn out. No one wanted to hear his stories or hear every little description of every prize he was calling. Also the ticket puller pulled more door check tickets then regular tickets. They were a big difference in size and should not have been used at all. Please remember this for next year. Other then that this event was very good.
Anonymous said…
Obviously men (and women) callers do not read what we have to say on this blog or they would know to "shut up" and call the numbers.
Long winded callers.. you are BORING!
You are embarrassing yourself...you are a fool!
Anonymous said…
To the organizer with no money..........Since your organization does not have money to put out for your TT it would make sense to put aside some of the profit for next time. It doesn't seem fair that a few of your volunteers should have to pay for expenses and baskets.

I wish you success. Keep reading this site.
Anonymous said…
I attended the Giving Network Tricky Tray in Manville on Saturday.
Here are the positives: large room with plenty of space, tables to sit at, nice snacks, quality prizes, $5 a sheet for the regular prizes, quick calling, no bent tickets called, extra sheets sold at the door and also on the other side of the room, lids on ticket containers.
On the "needs improvement" list: the prices for the elite prizes were crazy - $5 a ticket for some things that were only worth around $100, it would have been nice if there were a few more regular baskets (there were only about 130).
Anonymous said…
To the organizers in Sussex County - I really wish you would check dates for other tricky trays in the area before scheduling - there are none for months and then on the same weekend (Nov. 14/15) there are 3. I think if they could be spread out you would get more attendees. In these economic times, not many peple can go to 3 tricky trays in 1 weekend anymore.
Anonymous said…
A while ago someone posted they had baskets to get rid of, do you still have them? I will take them.

Also, what kind of containers are people using to put tickets in?
Anonymous said…
If there is no money to cover reasonable startup expenses ahead of time, organizers should be presenting receipts for reimbursement after the event.
Anonymous said…
The best containers are the tall clear plastic with LIDS! The kind you get potato salad in at the deli. Be sure the lid is taped on so no hands can get in. Also taped to the table! Be sure to announce that no bent tickets will be called at the start of the calling.

Then put the tickets in a clear 4 or 5 gallon trash bin and shake, shake, shake. Then pull a ticket.

Be sure to tell the caller to keep his jokes to himself. Pick someone to call who has attended other TT's so he knows how to act.
Anonymous said…
Just got back from the Passaic Valley HS Operation Graduation TT at the Bethwood. What a class act! 550 people and 600+ gifts. On a Wednesday nite we were out by 10:30pm, and they called every gift!!! Really well run, organizers were very helpful and plentiful...so you could always find someone to help you with any question. Thoroughly enjoyed the nite.
Anonymous said…
Excellent point, please, please make sure that your announcer knows what they are supposed to be doing. They are not to entertain the crowd. It makes no difference how many times you announce you won't draw bent tickets if the one drawing tickets just sticks their hand in and reads whatever number they pull out. They award prizes to door prize tickets in the regular bins, they award prizes to bent tickets and they can fall into a pattern of always pulling a ticket from the top or the bottom. Shake the tickets and stir them up with your hand before picking one.
Passaic is a great event that proves large events can and do efficiently award 600+ prizes in the same time some smaller events struggle to handle 100 prizes.
Anonymous said…
Door prize tickets should not be used as regular tickets. If I see a basket that I really want I use the door prize ticket..........and guess what.........I have won that basket. A coincident? Maybe, maybe not.
So, organizers please do not use door prize tickets as regular tickets. Why doesn't some organizer get together with the printing company and design a better regular sheet of tickets. Every ticket the same size please.
Anonymous said…
Please help I heard there is a TT in the lake hopatcong area on Nov 7th at "something by the sea" does any one have any info on it.
Anonymous said…
I heard Star of the Sea Church and they haven't had one for quite a few years. this used to be a smaller tt
Anonymous said…
thanks do you know how to get in contact with them?
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