About That Tricky Tray..I Just Want To Say...Chapter 6_(Closed)

Use This Post To "Speak Your Mind" About A Tricky Tray or Anything Related To A Tricky Tray. Tell us about the Grand Prize You Just Won or How You Haven't Won A Thing 10 Tricky Trays Straight. Just Click On The comment link below and start typing away.


Anonymous said…
To the Our Lady of Mt. Virgin poster above - how many prizes do you have in each level, how much do the tickets for those levels cost and what are the prizes worth?
Anonymous said…
Anybody know anything about the Jonathan Dayton High School Bull Dog Auction coming up on November 15?
Anonymous said…
I went to a TT at the Wetmount Country Club recently for Camp Sunshine. The event was run very well, nice prizes... Only thing wrong was that I was not allowed to take my dinner home in a "doggy bag" container. I had surgery awhile back and still cannot eat a whole meal but this has never been a problem at any other tt.s I have been to ex. Venetion, Cottillion, Wayne Manor, Hanover Manor or the Regency House and Fiesta too. The waiter took my plate (barely touched) and threw it away. He said they don't let anyone take home a meal. Never Again!!!! The Westmount is off my list forever!!! I don't like throwing $40 + meals out the window... You've lost my business and support for any groups that hold their functions there. Little Falls schools is having theirs there next week - I would not buy a ticket because of this incident and I am a resident of Little Falls and an avid Tricky Trayer.....
Anonymous said…
With regard to the issue brought up in recent posts on prize quality. I disagree that you can't open baskets to check donations. It is the TT committees duty to make sure that their prize quality is good. If someone is donating a pre packaged basket, it may be a prize they didn't want, or gift they are recycling. Even businesses may occassionally donate something old. Giving out old food and badly worn toys and other items will cause you to lose people from your next event, the word gets around. I realize that TT's are a lot of work and volunteers put in many hours, but this is because they are can be very successful fund raisers. Have some respect for the attendees that are donating their money to your cause and make sure you would want to win the prizes you are giving away.
Anonymous said…
Re St Josephs in Newton: Whenever people sit in rows of chairs, it feels more crowded then when you sit at tables.
I felt they should not have noted they were handicap accessible. You had to go down steps, in the dark and stand outside to work your way thru the regular prizes. Even a couple steps limits whether the prizes are accessible or not.
Anonymous said…
I was the person who recieved the baskets of expired baby food from the Bergebfield junior womans club. There were boxes of rice cereal that expired 2-05. One of the stuffed toys had Dog hair on it, and looked like a child had cut teeth on it.
I put my ticket in for that basket as a gift. Good thing I checked it out first.
Maybe if the lighting was better I would have been able to see how crappy some of the baskets were.
This is one Tricky Tray I will NOT be attanding again.
Anonymous said…
I hear That NJ is cracking down on unlicensed tricky trays.

Has anyone been at an an event that wasa shut down while in progress? Post the details
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