About That Tricky Tray.. I Just Want To Say_Chapter 10 (Closed)

Use This Post To "Speak Your Mind" About A Tricky Tray or Anything Related To A Tricky Tray. Tell us about the Grand Prize You Just Won or How You Haven't Won A Thing 10 Tricky Trays Straight. Just Click On The comment link below and start typing away. However..no personal attacks will be tolerated.


Anonymous said…
Our Lady of Lourdes tricky tray scheduled for this Friday, 2/8, in Milltown is sold out - or at least this is what I was told when I called yesterday for tickets.
Anonymous said…
Is anyone going to Thomas Jefferson Middle School TT on Friday the 8th in Edison?? Has anyone ever gone to this one before? We did get tickets.
Just curious. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
I have never been before, but I am going to the Thomas Jefferson Middle School TT in Edison. I went this morning and got my tickets because they will not sell any at the door. However, my friend that was supposed to go with me just called and canceled....so..if anyone needs a ticket let me know since I'll be flying solo and have an extra ticket. Thanks
Anonymous said…
It's so nice to have good weather and a Friday night with multiple tt's to choose from.

Chester PTO lists superb TT prizes but I'm told this is a casino night event. Distinctly different from your normal tt. Lots of people trying their luck at Alpine School. Best of luck to all ...
Anonymous said…
Just got home from the Alpine School TT in Sparta. Great prizes. Fair prices. The cheaters were out though. We saw plenty of bent tickets in the bags. When it was brought to the callers attention that she shouldn't call bent tickets, she replied, "Well, we didn't hang signs that said they can't bend their tickets" Was she trying to say they had no choice but to call them??!!!?? Is she insane? I hope more organizers read this blog and take action. This is gambling and bending tickets is cheating. POST SIGNS!!! NO BENT TICKETS WILL BE CALLED! BENT TICKETS WILL BE THROWN OUT!
Anonymous said…
I run a tricky tray and it wouldn't matter to me if I hadn't posted no bent tickets will be called signs. I just wouldn't do it. That is just crazy. I really watch over the tables at my auction I have people walking around incase someone drops a bucket over we pick it up not them. I keep track of all the numbers we sell so that if some strange number gets called I know if it was really something we sold. It is ashame that in this world you can't even trust people at a fundraiser.
Anonymous said…
The Alpine TT didn't even announce that no bent tickets will be called even after being told people were doing it. If I'm spending money to benefit their organization it makes me feel better to hear them announce that they won't pull bent tickets so all those cheaters hear it!

It's also annoying when the caller announces the person or teacher's name when they win. Just call the number!
Anonymous said…
I went to the Thomas Jefferson Middle School TT in Edison last night. Prizes were good and there was a good number of them. Ticket prices were okay. All of the food and sodas and desserts were FREE. They had deli sandwiches, pizza, salads and everything was free. The place was decorated great for Valentines. Now, the bad: some "genius people" put prizes on the wrong color of tablecloths and people were putting their tickets into the wrong color. For example, there were blue tickets corresponding to blue tablecloth prizes and then there were green ticket items on the blue table cloth. They had this mistake made in every color category. People were getting upset. However, when it came time to pull tickets they ended up honoring any ticket pulled from the bag no matter the color. There were other people upset about that because they felt they purchased more expensive tickets and then the lowest level ticket was pulled from that bag and was honored. I also saw one of the organizers speaking very rudely to one of the ladies complaining that she had put her tickets into the wrong bags because of the wrong color tablecloth. The organizer told her she made an announcement (which I never heard either) and when the lady said she had left to take her dog home and had just come back the organizer told her that she should not have brought her dog. Of course, the dog was besides the point! Organizers - do not be rude to those people who are spending money for your organization. Just acknowledge you made a big mistake and rectify the mistake. By the way, with all the confusion going on and complaints etc, they never did remove the wrong colored tablescloths even though it would have been relatively easy to do!!!
Anonymous said…
I also went to Thomas Jefferson Middle School TT in Edison. I agree the free food and drinks were great. Then the bad stuff and this would be the more important stuff. Not opening doors ontime because they were not organized. When they did let us in they didn't have bags at a bunch of prizes we had to tell them and they got these little coffee cups. I heard some lady go up to one of the people running it and explain how hard it was to tell that color was what. You have blue table cloths and blue tickets but in the middle of it tickets were green. So the lady says your adults and you should all know how to read! They wrote on a small paper plate green tickets and taped it to a part of the table cloth hanging down. So if you are all walking and putting in tickets you would never see it. They had this same problem with all the colors. There was plenty of room to fix this or put a few signs up. It even had some of there own teachers making fun of the way a school color coordinates. Then to say we could have used any ticket in any bucket just not fair. The sheets were 6-8&12 bucks I would have bought all 6 at that point. Just wrong! On a good note they did call fast and kept it going. They really need to organize there event before having it.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Thomas Jefferson was quite confusing. I see that 'duck lady' from Roselle Cath. has a new hair doo but she still pulled the same crap, never in her seat when numbers were called.
Anonymous said…
"The Alpine TT didn't even announce that no bent tickets will be called even after being told people were doing it. ....
It's also annoying when the caller announces the person or teacher's name when they win. Just call the number!"

Bent tickets are tickets that are distinguishable in any way. It sounds like the caller could clearly identify which tickets were those of the incrowd. Maybe the caller didn't announce anything because she kind of knew who was doing the bending. Now, before the caller and all her friends get upset about my comment - understand that you leave yourself open to just such comments by not running a fair and impartial event. Bent tickets are marked tickets and you cannot say you are drawing randomly if they are allowed.

If you want our money, run fair events. No Cheatin Allowed
Anonymous said…
Why are people still picking on the Roselle Cath lady? Why call her a duck there is no need for that. What did she win something you wanted?
Anonymous said…
Good job Frelinhuysen. I know you were shocked by how many came out and that made lines long; but you handled it pretty well. Next time, you may want to have someone deliver door prizes rather than have everyone get up though. That dragged the night on a bit. Or, if everyone was getting a prize (as it seemed), you could give them out when we entered or left.
Anonymous said…
I went friday to our lady of lourdes. it wasn't that bad but they really need improvement. They have so many local places what happened they didn't solicite. Hated their break for about 15 -20 minutes. Some of us had babby sitters and could of done without it. How can you have $10 prizes on 1st level with $100 prizes?? They advertised 26 tickets for $5 then crossed it off and put 25 tickets. great idea with the screen projecting the numbers. It made it move quicker. just go to some other tricky trays and get an idea on how they are run and who else you can add to your soliciting list. I would go again if I knew mor effort was put into it. the seating was also very tight maybe a few less people.
Anonymous said…
I also attended Our Lady of Lourdes and agree with some of your points. The range in value of the first level was much too large. Something like Medieval Times was the same level as a $25 gift certificate. I will say the prices were pretty good, though. The break annoyed me, but the evening moved pretty quickly and I was home earlier than I am from most tricky trays. I felt there was plenty of room at the tables and the tables weren't jammed on top of each other. I have been to so many where there is no way you can move! This is one I would attend again.
Anonymous said…
To anonymous above who went to Frelinghuysen - can you tell us what "good job" means? Were the prizes good, the prices fair, etc.? What made it good? I thought about going, but it's a long drive on a Friday after work. I want to know if it's worth attending next time.
Anonymous said…
Frelinghuysen had about 250 prizes, nice items (a little heavy on some repeat stuff). Their top level had a Wii (only $2 a ticket, I thought it was reasonable). Good food, good prices all around (3 sheets for ten dollars). If you don't like lines, you might not want to make the drive. But they might not have as many people next year and the lines will be better. Again, the door prize situation was tiresome (the audience began groaning about it after a while) and it helped make calling take almost four hours. But, they were nice people and they were a good value.
Anonymous said…
I also have to agree about the Frelinhuysen TT. If they knew they were giving everyone door prizes, these should have been given with the book upon first entering & buying the entry ticket. Definitely a bit heavy on a few repeats! Desserts were great! We heard though that they have their TT every other year. Is this true? I would probably attend next year. A bit less people would have been nice for the small spaces they had, but overall it was ok.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Yes, Thomas Jefferson was quite confusing. I see that 'duck lady' from Roselle Cath. has a new hair doo but she still pulled the same crap, never in her seat when numbers were called.

February 09, 2008 1:09 PM

You are so dam bitter and pitiful!! What is your problem with the woman from RC? So What if she had a new Hair Style the woman can't even change her hair without you making a comment about it and topping it off by calling her a duck lady, what is that supposed to mean anyway? I was at RC and know what happened there, and I saw her at Thom. Jefferson and guess what, I too was still dropping tickets in the back when they started calling and I heard her "ASKING" 3 of the organizers that were still back there if they would like her to go sit down and she would come back on the break and they "specifically" told her that she could continue to drop her tickets and she told them that she would as long as there was somebody (an organizer) still in the room, but she still went and sat when everyone left the prize room and she finished dropping her green tickets on the break! You come on these post with that pettiness, if you have such a problem with what she does, why don't you tell her yourself? Call her a Duck Lady to her face...LOL I bet you won't do that will ya? I think it galls you because Th. Jefferson did not listen to you when YOU probably tried to get her kicked out of there and they did not pay you any attention. You just want to keep it going about that woman especially when you have nothing better to post then her changing her hair and calling her unnessary names, maybe next time you see her, her hair might be "PINK" and "SO WHAT?" now I understand what the blogger meant about the "HAWKS WATCHING HER LIKE A FIELD MOUSE".....Geez Lady...Get a Life and Leave Her Alone, If you don't like her then YOU STAY HOME since you seem to have a problem with her being in the same space as you!!!
Anonymous said…
The RC lady that is being picked on is really nice. Her and all her friends come up say hi and always have something nice to say. Can you imagine how she must feel being talked about this? I was proud of her coming out and holding her head up high. If you can recall no one actually caught her doing anything so really there is no proof. I think the name calling is pushing it.
Anonymous said…
I just ordered my tickets for the Sokol USA Tricky Tray on March 2nd. I went to this event last year and it was great. The organizers limit the number of people so it's not overcrowded, and the food was great. A buffet with a great variety - something for everyone. The ticket prices are reasonable and they have some great prizes listed. If you've never been to this one, you have to attend. In my opinion, it's one of the best out there. The organizers are super nice and they went out of their way to make everyone feel comfortable. I know they haven't sold out yet, so there's still time to get tickets. I'm so excited - I've been looking forward to this one for months.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Trickytrayfan. I went to Sokol's TT last year and it was great. I won a couple of great prizes. I spent about $100 for tickets, but the prices were so reasonable that I got enough tickets for all levels of prizes and still had some left over. This is the way to run a tricky tray. Don't overcharge and I'll spend the money. And this year, they're giving TWO sheets of tickets with admission. I've been to some TT's where you don't even get one sheet with admission. And I must say, I was a little skeptical at first about a buffet, but the food was great, there was plenty of time to put my tickets in the buckets (which all had lids by the way) and enjoy a nice meal with my friends before the calling started. I hate when they serve dinner and call tickets at the same time, you can't concentrate on your tickets and eat, not enough room on the table for everything and it's just a mess in general. I've already got my table organized and reserved my tickets. This is one of the best run and organized events I've ever been to. Definitely worth the trip. I like that it's on a Sunday this year, I don't have to rush home from work to make it when the doors open.
Anonymous said…
Never went to Sokol...besides what's on the TT.com listing, what were some of the best prizes last year?
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know the website for the NJ Legalized Games of Chance - our registration needs to be renwed.


Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Try this link for nj gaming commision

Anonymous said…
I went to Sokol's TT last year and their prizes were Tickets to Jersey Boys and Mary Poppins. Tickets to Baseball games, lots of restaurant gift cards (most $50 and over), theater packages for Papermill Playhouse, State Theater, McCarter Theater, etc. Camping Equipment, Collectibles, Lenox, Waterford, Coach purse, digital camera, and a Grandfather Clock. That's about all I can remember. They had about 250 prizes. All the level 1 prizes were typical, housewares, collectibles, tools, purses, photo albums, DVD's, stereos, holiday baskets etc. I do remember them being of great quality, no junk, all brand new merchandise an in good condition. They were very organized and all the workers were very friendly. They had lids on all their containers, did not call bent tickets and if no one claimed a prize after three calls, a new number was picked. The whole evening went very quickly and everyone was enjoying themselves. My table won quite a few prizes. And best of all, the room wasn't so packed that you couldn't move around. It was relaxed, there was plenty of time to view the prizes, put my tickets in and eat without feeling rushed. I'm going again this year. I see they highlighted their best prizes, but there's probably more there that they didn't mention. I was not disappointed at all in the prize quality, quantity, food, organization and entire set-up of the evening. This one definitely gets my vote as one of the best.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone go to Melissa Anne Centralla last year? What did you think of it? What were the prizes and prices. Was it worth it? I got roped into it this year and am already starting to regret spending $60 to get in. Thanks!
Anonymous said…
where's everyone planning on going this weekend looking for something good!
Anonymous said…
What town is the Sokol TT in. I am hearing so many good things about it, that I am inclined to attend this year if it's not too far from my home. I am hopeless when it comes to directions and distance! LOL

Anonymous said…
I know what you mean about directions and distance. I'm just as bad unless I have someone really map it out. Thank goodness for mapquest. The Sokol TT is at the Zeris Inn on Rt 46 in Mountain Lakes. That's between Denville and Parsippany. It's not too far from most towns, about 45 minutes from PA and NYC. I called one of the organizers and got great directions. It's about 25 minutes from my home in Clifton, but I think it'll be worth it. Plus, it's on a Sunday afternoon, so I know I won't be competing with a lot of commuter traffic.
Anonymous said…
I was told there is assigned seating for the Sokol Tricky Tray, so the tickets need to be pre-ordered so they can give a headcount to the restaurant.
Anonymous said…
Chili goes over fantastic at cold weather events. June could be brutally hot and your chili would not sell well unless you were in air conditioning.
Anonymous said…
Found this surfing web - not posted yet

Trickytray/Beefsteak Dinner
When: SATURDAY APRIL 5th, 2008

Time: Doors Open 6:45pm Sharp
8pm - calling of prizes start

Cost: $35 Per Ticket (includes free sheet of ticket for small baskets)

Tickets Go on Sale Feb 1st.

For Parties of 10+ seats can be reserved.

Email us at wwsoftball@gmail.com .
Anonymous said…
I just want everyone to know that I heard that St. John the Apostle in Clark, Tricky Tray is on March 7th. The grand Prize is a 50" Panasonic HD flat screen tv. What a prize, and they are having 2 callers this year. I just called for tickets. It seems every year they listen to the suggestions on here and try to do even better.
Anonymous said…
i like different color tickets
Anonymous said…
Just my opinion I don't think casino night's are tricky trays. Just because they auction off a few gifts at the end of the night does not make it a tricky tray. I'm not really sure this is the place for them to advertise.
Anonymous said…
I agree - Casino nights may have a raffle at the end of the night but they should not be casually listed as a tricky tray.
Anonymous said…
I heard from some of the people running the Knights of Columbus in Union Tricky Tray that this year will be the best ever with prizes & baskets

Is anyone going ??
Anonymous said…
Went to the Lodi event Friday nite...very pleasant...gifts were plentiful, staff were organized, and ticket prices were reasonable. Overall, a nice nite where my money went into buying tickets, and not paying for a dinner that only marginally contributes to the organization's benefit.
Anonymous said…
Casino Night definately should not be listed under a tricky tray. You have to gamble first and win the tickets. Then put tickets in to try to win a prize. Not much fun there.
Anonymous said…
Casino nights aren't tricky trays in my opinion. When we go to TT.com, we're looking for exactly that, Tricky Trays, not to spend money on table games. If there are going to be more of those popping up, then someone who holds these events should start a website specifically for these events.
Anonymous said…
If you 'heard' from the people running the Union tt, then what did they say? Please share details like ticket cost, number of prizes, value of various prize levels or specific prizes so we can decide on going or not. It's also interesting to put 300 prizes into perspective of knowing they expect 200 or 600 people attending.
Anonymous said…
I have been to the tt at the knights in Union for the past three years. You are packed so tight in there. They always sell out. No tickets at the door. You are a bit stressed by the time you are done putting your tickets in. You are wondering why do I go. For us group of friends it's a central location for us to all meet up. The cost of getting in is 20.00 and you only get one little sheet for it. The 5 other levels are strip tickets and the price goes up and up. The prizes are nice but plan on spending more then 100.00 if you want to be in all the levels. Then again like I said the prizes are nice. Bring your own food you will get hungry. The people working it are also very nice. It's also assigned seating.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone gone to the Sokol TT before? They look to have some great prizes and the ticket prices are very reasonable. I was thinking of going but was wondering if there was any feedback from their first TT.
Anonymous said…
I've been to the Sokol TT before & they have great prizes. There are 7 of us going this year, but the tickets have to be prepaid & I don't think they have alot of tickets left if they're not sold out already. I think it's worth it, especially because the tickets prices for the baskets are really affordable. If you can still get tickets, I'd say go for it!
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
As of 2/20/2008 at 12:57pm there are still tickets available for Sokol event..just checked with organizers.
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone I was wondering if anyone can give me info on the TT for St Theresa's or St Frances I went to one last year and cant remember which one it was.
Anonymous said…
The pippy long arms that tyour talking about was told to leave because people like you cant stand to lose.... She hadnt even dropped 1 ticket and the officer was telling her to leave.....How would you like it if people spread rumors about you.......Are you mad cause you didnt win or is it a racial thing....Don't do to others what you don't want done to you.....Do you know what a budda is? Guess what I rub a budda for luck...she like to rub the cans. Guess what I've done that as well and I'm not the only one......Dont judge a book by its cover....
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
And the drama continues...

This cheating lady has produced a drama series on this site. For the record.. no one personally gives a rats behind about a cheater...

If she wasn't cheating, she wouldn't have gotten thrown out. No one personally attacks anyone at auctions - but everyone would hope that everyone would play fair.

Face it and GET OVER IT... she wasn't playing fair and was caught. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.

Bottom line, just don't cheat.

And for your personal record, I am of the same persuasion and I win a WHOLE lot and could care less what the color of anyone's skin is.

Next time keep your hands out of the cans lady.

Anonymous said…
Went to the knights of columbus tricky tray saturday night... I was unbelievible.. The major and the basket everything was so organized.... $1000.00 super grand tickets to the jersey boys nets tickets deveil tickets 4 some golf w/ cart and lucnh... and had over 91 basket Its was the best tricky tray i have been to in a while and yes that women from roselle catholic was there but everyone was watching.....
Anonymous said…
Why are you people STILL talking about the woman from RC.
I was one of the Organizers at Knights of Columbus and I personally talked to her on the phone when she called about a ticket, but before she wanted to purchase she told me the whole story about what happened at RC and wanted to know if those horrible rumors and lies (my words not hers) that are being posted on this blog would affect her coming to our event and I assured her that it would not. It's so unfair how you people are condeming this woman when she did absolutely nothing wrong at RC especially when I heard from her and others that she hadn't even dropped 1 ticket when she was asked to leave. When she came to our event she introduced herself to me and other organizers to let us know who she was, if she were such a cheater I think she would want to remain anonymous from us don't you think? I also know as one of the ticket sellers that she spent a great deal of money and I believe she only won once or twice and it was nothing from the high end tables.....as a cheater how did that happen? Sure you'll come back saying she knew she was being watched (she wanted to be) but from these blogs I now know that she is being watched all the time by you people. How sad and unfair for her especially when the table next to hers was winning like mad, but did anyone notice that? Would you consider them cheaters because they won so many prizes? I really don't think so!!!
Anonymous said…

I've known this woman for a long time from years of tricky trays and unless YOU know what your talking about you don't need to be commenting on anything if you don't know the deal!! Unless you are dumb, blind, or just plain ignorant, the previous post specifically stated "in english" that: "SHE...HAD....NOT...DROPPED...1 TICKET...OR...HAD...BEEN...NEAR....THE...PRIZE...TABLES...AT...RC....WHEN...THEY...APPROACHED...HER...AND...ASKED...HER...TO...LEAVE.....DO...YOU...UNDERSTAND Or do I have to spell it out for you again in French Haitian, or Swaili? (but more then likely your Euro-American probably from RC w/red hair lol). She never had her hands in any can and she is definitely NOT a cheater....as the saying goes "Your all up in her Kool-Aid and don't even know the Flava!!! I can't stand dumb people. It's probably the real cheaters like the ticket benders who expect but don't win that are spreading these rumors about her because she or her friend(s) win a lot of the time by just plain old fashion Luck and spending money. She never buys just 1 first level card or 1 strip of higher level tickets like a lot of you buy, she has a book with pages of tickets.
I spoke to her at a TT last week and asked her if she knew about these blogs, she said she did because her Sister was printing them out but "would not lower herself to the level of you people by posting any replies because she knows in her heart what she does and does not do, so let them talk or post whatever they want because they are probably sore losers or jealous people who hated the fact that she used to win a lot and RC just gave them the FODDER they needed to make her out to be a cheater since a lot of folks see her at many TT's and she really gets noticed if she wins high end prizes and it would also be a moot point because here people hide behind thier anonynimity and will post or talk a bunch of crap but never dare approach her."
She also told me that she plans on getting 2 tee-shirts for future TT's, one saying "PIPPI LONG ARMS" (she loved that one lol) and the other saying "DUCK LADY" which in my opinion is telling you folks that she doesn't care who knows her or watches her even if she is slow at sitting down...LOL pretty good for a so called CHEATER to let even those of you that don't know her, recognize her and watch her all they want. I told her I was going to post about the tee-shirts which I found hilarous but I should have known some people just could not leave it alone for every TT she goes too now.
I admire the fact that she is not holding her head down or cowering away from any of you sore losers!!! WTG!!!!!
Anonymous said…
and yes that women from roselle catholic was there but everyone was watching.....


Anonymous said…
ok...enough of attacking that poor lady from RC. That was weeks ago - get over it and GET A LIFE PEOPLE !!!!!!!! Now..does anyone know of any good tricky trays coming up this weekend? I'm trying to decide on the Sokol USA Tricky Tray or the Somerset 4-H one in Bridgewater. Both look good, although Sokol USA seems to have more listed as far as prizes and the prices look good. The 4-H is less for admission, but more for tickets once you're there. Has anyone been to either of these before? Any feedback? I'm leaning towards the Sokol USA one, so any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
Did we ever get the list of the best tricky trays of 2007?
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Due to my regular busy work schedule..the announcement of best Tricky Tray 2007 has been delayed.

It should be announced by end of week.

Mr. Tricky Tray
Anonymous said…
I went to the Sokol Tricky Tray last year and I thought it was great. They had beautiful prizes and great food. The organizers are super nice and went out of their way to make sure everyone had a good time. The containers all had lids, they didn't call bent tickets and if you don't pay attention, they pick another number for the prize. They didn't overcrowd the room, so there was enough room to move and the ratio of prizes to people was just right. Almost everyone had a chance to win a prize. The night moved along smoothly and I won a couple of great baskets. I went last time with six friends. This time there are 15 of us. I can hardly wait. I think they still have seats available.
Anonymous said…
So many tricky trays this weekend - where's everyone headed?
Anonymous said…
Sokol organizers - any chance you will be listing your program on the internet prior to Sunday's event?

Prior Sokol attendees - Can any one specify what some of the actual bigger gifts were that Sokol offered last year? Were any NOT the usual ones offered at other TT? Just curious.

Thx for the reply.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have 1 extra ticket to the Frost School tricky tray in East Brunswick?
Anonymous said…
Hi, I'm one of the Sokol organizers. To answer your question about the program, we won't be able to publish the program prior to Sunday. We're still receiving last minute donations and working on the program. We have over 250 prizes so far. Last year we had three Grand Prizes (tickets to both Jersey Boys and Mary Poppins and a Grandfather Clock). This year we have six. They include a Gucci Watch, Tickets to Young Frankenstein on Broadway with $100 gift card for dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe and an overnight hotel stay. Also, 14K gold & diamond earrings, a Time Share vacation, $500 gift certificate towards a paver project and a huge display of holiday lawn decorations that would make the neighbors envious. Some of our other prizes include, camping equipment (tent, chairs, grill) Air Hockey Table, Tickets to the Circus at the Izod Center, 19" HDTV, Hotel Stays, various NJ theater tickets (both movie and plays) Lamps, Restaurant Gift Cards, Mets Tickets, Autographed Sports Memorabilia, Buffet dinner at Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut, DVD players, and a Telescope. These are the more unique items we are offering that I can remember right now. And of course, there are the usual baskets that you find at most Tricky Trays. We also have a "Mystery Prize" this year which I can say is great and worth over $200. I do hope you are attending, because we think you'll have an enjoyable afternoon. We have taken great pride in making sure all the prizes are good quality and that there is something for everyone.
Anonymous said…
To the Sokol organizers...Many thanks for your very descriptive response. I am attending, and I can't wait to enjoy your hospitality! Best wishes for a very successful event.
Anonymous said…
I think i may have a ticket to thr frost tricky tray. I think one of my guest wont be able to attend....

Leave another message if your still interested......the only problem is that you would probaly have to sit with the other 15 of us going lol....
Anonymous said…
Thanks anyway to the Frost School ticket. I found one. See you there! Good luck.
Anonymous said…
If your friend isn't using the ticket they do have a waiting list for Frost School. give them a call.
Anonymous said…
Yes I am gonna give it back, I know what to feels like to wait for a ticket.
Anonymous said…
Has anyone been to the Centenary College Softball tt in the past? I'm considering going and wondering if its worth the ride.
Anonymous said…
I know a bunch of us from this sie went to Frost last night..what did you think? This was my first time at this TT but I was pleasantly surprised..it was alot of fun! The ticket prices were FANTASTIC, i felt like i got alot for my money, the prizes were nice and there were so many of them!! And the evening went by smooth and quick, I always hated those "fifeen minute breaks" in between each level and they didn't have that here.My only complaint was that the tables were so close together, it was hard to maneuver around.All in all it was a good night and I will definitely put this on my list for next year..good job to everyone involved!
Anonymous said…
I'm a tricky tray regular and I want to post a really nice comment I went to Governor Livingston High School in Berkeley Heights last night. I nice amount of prizes, and the prices were in good range. They had drinks you could buy and gave out a free snacks. NO BREAKS! Then when I was leaving it was snowing (the roads were covered)and not being very familiar with the area I very nice man who helped us carry our stuff to our car actually had us follow him to get to the highway. It was very messy out there and reading street signs was not an option. I think he was someone involved with the event. He went above and beyond and we really were very thankful. Sometimes it really is the little things in life that touch people. So when we all sign on here and complain and we all do it. We all need to remember there is also good!
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Best Tricky Tray of 2007 has been officially announced and posted!

Anonymous said…
Centenary's is very small. It's a fun night but it's really really child friendly. If you don't want tons of kids around, I wouldn't make the trip.
Anonymous said…
Frost School in East Brunswick gets my vote this year for most improved. What a difference from last year. Still a lot of people, but the lines moved. No breaks -different callers. Just what we love. The prices were great. THIS IS ONE TRICKY TRAY THAT TOOK CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM LAST YEAR & WENT WORK FIXING THINGS. Good for you!
Anonymous said…
Yea!!!! Congratulations OLMV..your title is well-deserved!!
Anonymous said…
I am looking forward to Spring and "Tricky Tray" season to be back in full swing! Where is everyone going this weekend? I am looking for a good Tricky Tray for Saturday....Any Suggestions?
Anonymous said…
ok - the Sokol tricky tray was yesterday and I haven't seen any comments yet. There was so much hype before it was held. So, how was it?
Anonymous said…
I also attended the tricky tray sponsored by the band at Governor Livingston High School. I thought the prizes were nice and the tickets prices matched the prize values. The calling was very fast, and as the previous caller stated - no breaks! This is one I would attend again (now that I know how to get there - it's hard to find in the dark!).
Anonymous said…
Sokol was great. Thoughtfulness and attention to guest comforts were on display. They had containers of pens, tape and plastic ticket bags on each table, which I'd never seen before, and really appreciated. They let us into the building earlier than was advertised, and the buffet is a great alternative to sit-down dinner. You could have a delicious choice of very fresh looking hot and cold foods whenever you were ready to eat. Gift prices were the best structured I've seen. You didn't mind spending more for tickets because of the value they offerred...very smart strategy for fundraising. Gifts at all levels were impressive...nothing appeared old or used. Table lay-outs were comfortable. The only draw back was the delay on the gift lines...the wait was really long. Maybe next year the organizers can consider how to provide access to both sides of the gift tables.
Anonymous said…
I see the East Orange Police Athletic League is having another TT. This was a great event last year and I cant wait to see what this year beggets.

I heard from the organizer that that the array of gifts being auctioned this year are top of the line and they have an even better selection.

I can wait and I hope to see all of you there on April 5, 2008.
Anonymous said…
Regarding Sokol...I agree with the above. The organizers really were helpful and provided anything needed or asked for. There was no confusion at all. I liked the idea of buffet vs. sit down dinner. That way you can choose whatever you want whenever you want. The prices were good and the prizes were very nice. It was also really nice that it was in the afternoon. I think that cuts down on the tension. When it starts getting late in the night people become irritable because they have to get home sometimes driving a distance and sometimes working the next morning. So for that a nice afternoon TT is really appreciated. The only problem was the long long line to put tickets in. This cannot be controlled by any organizer so its just a given at any TT. Overall, a very pleasant nice time was had by all.
Anonymous said…
The Hampton Township PTA is having their Tricky Tray on Saturday, March 8th in Hampton Township (Sussex County, NJ).

We have read all the blogs and we plan on doing to following: The Doors will open at 6pm. No admission will be charged. We will not pull Bent Tickets (we will post this around the room), we have tops on all the buckets and will post that no tickets can be removed after dropping them in the bucket without our help. Each level will have their own color, be the same size, and the tickets are from the same company, tickets will be poured from the bucket into a separate container, tossed and drawn from there, after 3 calls the caller will pick a new number.

There will be free snacks and refreshments and bottled water and soda will be sold.

As you can see we have some great prizes and our ticket prices are very reasonable. Hopefully we will see you all at our Tricky Tray on March 8th … Check out our listing on March 8th and see all the wonderful prizes - we also will have a TomTom GPS System. Thanks. - Chris Logsdon, Hampton Township PTA
Anonymous said…
I went to the Sokol TT on Sunday and I agree with the other comments as well. It was very well organized and the people were so pleasant and accomodating. I happened to be at the check-in when I overheard the orgainzers trying to find room for two walk-ins. I know they advertised for advanced seating only, but they had all their table assignments on hand and looked to find seats for these two people. One of the organizers gave up her seat at her own table to accomodate these two...now that's good business. The prizes were beautiful with some very unique items. They mystery prize was the best. Several of my friends refused to by tickets for the mystery prize because they thought it would be something lame. Imagine their surprise when the winner was given two tickets to Jersey Boys on Broadway. Next time, I'll buy more tickets for that. What a great idea. The calling started right on time, there was plenty of time to eat and put tickets into the buckets. There was a line at first, there usually is at every TT I've ever been to, but it moved and after about an hour, there was no big line. The calling started out slow, but picked up the pace after a little bit. I think it was because most people weren't paying much attention to the tickets, so the caller was waiting for their attention. So for those who chose to eat first, they didn't have to wait in line afterwards. The best part was the 50/50. No one claimed the prize after the number was called. They didn't hesitate after three callings and picked another number. Most places don't do htat. They keep the same number and call it to death waiting for an answer. All in all, it was a very pleasant afternoon and it ended early enough so that I was still able to get home and still have enough of the evening left to enjoy. I can't wait for their next one.
Anonymous said…
Hi,everyone: Mark your calendars for Friday, April 4th. Good Shepherd Academy in Nutley is holding their annual Tricky Tray in the school Gym. Doors open at 6:30, and it's a really nice and comfortable nite. Tickets cost $15.00 which includes a big dessert buffet, beverages and one sheet of first level tickets. Pre-sale ticket packages are $20 if paid for ahead of time. That's a $5 savings..Lots of people bring their own dinner type food, so it's a nice way to relax with food you REALLY like, win some fun prizes, and help the school. GSA is located at 24 Brookline Avenue, and you can call Julie Scarano at 973-450-4876 for further details. Our TT.com party cleaned up last year! There's only about 250 guests, and tickets will not be sold at the door. Try to come and bring your friends!
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Hi Everyone,

I was recently interviewed by Winnie Hu at the New York Times in reference to Tricky Trays and School Gift Auctions for an upcoming article! She has asked that I post the below info.


A reporter for the New York Times would like to interview people who frequent school auctions and other community fund-raisers the way that other people play golf or go shopping. The story will look at this growing pastime, and ask people about their experiences, best prizes, etc. Reporter is also interested in talking to anyone who knows of auction-goers outside the New Jersey region.

Contact Winnie Hu at winnhu@nytimes.com or
212-556-3963. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
What looks good this weekend? There are a lot on Friday and Saturday. So many choices.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Congrats to all 3 voted top tt's of 2007.
And we really appreciate the Hampton Township post. You've obviously done your homework and have eliminated many a potential problem by setting those groundrules.
Once you start drawing numbers, keep it moving. People will quiet down if announcer starts calling winning numbers rather than rambling on about what is in each basket.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
"?" Hampton Township posted earlier with all the things they are going to do at their TT this weekend (I think it is this weekend?) to make it better. Sounds good to me!
Anonymous said…
Can I let you know......this is for Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Academy in Linden, Tricky Tray to be held March, 14th. Ticket price $10.00 advance - $14.00 at the door, includes one sheet of level 1.
$50 Ticket Value Pack filled with $75 worth of leveled tickets

Ticket Information Level Prize Value Cost
3 sheets (78 tickets) Level 1 $25 - $15
3 sheets (78 tickets) Level 2 $26 - $75 - $30
2 sets (12 tickets) Level 3 $76 - $150 - $10
2 sets (6 tickets) Level 4 $151 - $400 - $10
2 sets(12 tickets)SchoolSpirit $10

*Additional tickets can be purchased for each level at designated level selling tables.

**Ticket Value Packs do NOT include Grand Prize, Luck of the Irish Lottery, and 50/50 tickets
Hope it prints o.k., and hope to see you there!!
Anonymous said…
I heard Keyport is soldout for tomorrow so check if you plan on just going to the door for a ticket.
Anonymous said…
We went to Grant school Dumont last night. It was fun. There were alot of people but didnt feel crowded. The prizes were suprizingly nice for a small simple tricky tray. This was a good one and we will return next year.
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
I Have confirmed..Keyport is Sold Out!
Anonymous said…
We went to the Birchwood Elementary School TT in Rockaway last night. I was shocked to find out that they had a $10 admission fee. Do you know why? Well for your $10 to walk in the door to this school you got NOTHING! Not even one lousy sheet of tickets. We saw some people just leave. To top it off, they charged for refreshments, even coffee and tea. For $10 they couldn't even give you a cookie and some coffee? We didn't make any comments to them but we definitely didn't spend as much as we would have. The ticket prices were decent, two regulars for $10 or one for $6. However since we paid the admission we really spent $20 for two regular sheets which stinks! The prizes were good. It's awful they had to be so greedy. What would it have cost them to give a sheet with that admission?
Anonymous said…
Where is everyone?
Anonymous said…
I called Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Academy in Linden on Friday and they told me they still have tickets available and confirmed that one of the grand prizes is a 42" HD TV!
Well, I now have my 15 tickets....can't wait for Fiday!
We went last year (big group) and had a great time. With the admission ticket they give one sheet of level one and coffee/tea and doughnuts or cake on the tables, last year was very organized and decorated beautifully.
Also, this year they are selling value packs of tickets at a discount.
Anonymous said…
I was at the Birchwood Elemementary School TT Friday night also. I agree, $10 for admission with no sheet of tickets was offensive and greedy. The prizes were OK, but I've seen better. There was a huge line to put tickets in at the first level prize tables, but I'm resigned to the fact that there are lines at every TT I go to. There were a lot of little kiddie type baskets, too many toys. One or two prizes weren't too bad, but the value of the prizes for the money spent was not equal. Their grand prizes were only valued at $200 or more. The first level prizes were valued up to $75. The ticket prices should have been less expensive for such cheap prizes. A couple of the prizes were to have multiple tickets drawn, but they only called one ticket. What happened to the others? All in all, very unorganized and too pricy for such meanial prizes. There was a lot of confusion over tables, too. Some were reserved, but it didn't say how many seats, and my whole group had to be moved because we were overlapped into someone's reserved table. If you reserve seats, they should be more clearly marked. I attened a TT the privious Sunday, where it was out at a nice hall, buffet food served and the prizes were much better and far superior to Birchwood's. Everyone had a reserve seat and there was no confusion. I don't remember who the group was that sponsored it, a friend got the tickets, but it was at the Zeris Inn. As a matter of fact, I think the caller was the same one from Birchwood that was there on Sunday. That TT had much better prizes and their ticket prices were much much less expensive. They should have raised their prices for such great prizes. All in all, Birchwood was a disappointment. They should find out who organized the event at Zeris the previous Sunday and take lessons from them. I definitely won't attend Birchwood's again.
Anonymous said…
Birchwood's TT was OK, but very unorganized. I also have issues with not getting any tickets with my admission. I thought the idea of having these at a school was to encourage walk-ins, not penalize them. Also, their prizes were way off value. I have a big issue with the posters of both the Giants and Jets players. They were framed, but they should have been in the same level. They couldn't have been worth more than $40 each. The Jets was in level 1, but the Giants poster was in level 2. Why???? Just because the Giants won the Super Bowl doesn't make it more valuable. It's not even an original signature on the poster. Someone needs to better oversee these things, because for the cost of admission and tickets, I think they were only looking to rip off the attendees. Definietely not one of the better ones, I'll never attend again.
Anonymous said…
Birchwood for years had a tt in the back of a craftfair.
They sold individual tickets and the prices to me were always out of line to the prize value. Last year the prices were also excessive when they switched to pure tt format. Try searching for past year comments in the archived Blog chapters when chosing which event to attend.
Anonymous said…
Hampton McKeown PTA event was superb. 12 sheets/$40 and 346 regular trays. The callers kept things moving with various ticket verifiers posted around the room. Understandly for an elementary school, there were loads of child/family oriented prizes. The prizes were varied and spaced out nicely along one side of various hallways so the lines did not feel crowded.
Weather kept the attendance down just a bit and they truly meant it when they posted signs about 'no bent tickets' being drawn.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the previous writer about the Hampton PTA. Those young Ladies who ran the TT did a great job. The Trays were great and spaced out so you didn't feel crowded and they had plenty of refreshments. i took home two trays......
Anonymous said…
The McKeown TT was really good! The night before I made an attempt to go to the Birchwood TT in Rockaway but walked out when I was told I had to pay $10 just to get in (what the heck?). It was nice to go to McKeown. They had done their research. Bent ticket signs everywhere and really good ticket prices. I was happy to be able to afford all prize levels and I won! Good job!
Anonymous said…
I went to the Hampton TT and I agree the organizers did a great job. They must be reading our comments that we leave for other TT's. The free refreshments were good and only charged $1.00 for water. Free coffee and tea with no limit. They even had free iced tea!
The only suggestions I have are to limit the number of tier one trays to 200 or 250 trays. 348 trays are too many. Especially since they were valued from $35.00. They should have combined more of the trays to start at $50.00 instead of $35.00. The caller was ok but we did not need to hear what each tray consisted of since programs were given out. Having said that, I enjoyed this TT and left without feeling gouged even though I did not win anything. I will go again next year.
Anonymous said…
The Birchwood Elementary school TT in Rockaway leaves much to be desired.
No TT should charge admission and certainly not $10.00 just to sit on one of their hard metal chairs all night. They had a look of surprise on their face when asked what do we get for the $10.00? NADA! NOTHING! WAS THE ANSWER! They even had the audacity to charge $1.00 for a small flimsy cup of coffee/tea which is always free and also unlimited at every TT I've gone to. Water was $1.50! There were NO FREE refreshments,they charged for the few sad sweets they had.
The Callers were great, very fast and no small talk and no describing the trays!
PS......The trays were OK but certainly not worth $5.00 a sheet.
I should have gone to Rockaway Mall ( only a mile away) instead of wasting my money at this TT. Organizers...your greed blew it. TT 's should be a fun evening and yours was a sad one.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know any info about the Cabrini TT in Piscataway this Friday? The website has no information on it and the number they gave to call...the person who answers the phone has no information and of course, no one called me back with info. Sounds like disorganization to me..not a good way to advertise a TT.
Anonymous said…
Things that annoy me about Tricky Trays in general.

1. Advance ticket sales. (except dinner events)
2. Charging admission(I have a set $ amount that I will spend, so don't cut into the amount of tickets I will be able to purchase.
3. Charging for refreshments (other than water,soda)That's your overhead.
4.Open ticket containers.Need lids
5.Not taking cheaters and bent tickets seriously. Casinos certainly take cheaters seriously...you must too!
6. Callers who think they are comedians. And please do not describe the contents of the basket. I want to get out as soon as possible! I don't care what's in it unless I win it.
7. Attendees who do not pay attention to ticket numbers called
8. Attendees who have to hold up the line to check out each basket as if it were already theirs.
9. Organizers who think their prizes are worth a fortune, charging an outrages fee for tickets. We call it GOUGING! And we don't come back and we tell the Tricky Tray world!
10. Don't waste my time with DOOR PRIZES. They usually are not worth the extra time.
11. Organizers who have never attended a TT themselves and think they can run one.
12. And NO KIDS! They are annoying! Since this is gambling what happened to no one under 18 per the LAW. Are tt's excempt? I don't think so. Maybe the Gambling Commission needs to be notified!
13. It should be a fun time for everyone and a profitable event for the organization. Everyone should leave not feeling cheated, gouged etc.

Have anything to add to this list?
Anonymous said…
Check out April 1, 2007 blog. Someone did research this. It seems children are allowed with limitations. But I agree with you...children at TT's can be annoying. I personally won't attend a tt that allows children.
Anonymous said…
Children are allowed at Tricky Trays because it is considered an "off-premise" raffle. They only cannot buy tickets for any monetary prizes, such as a 50/50. I agree, children don't belong at events. They easily bore and parents don't spend extra money to get them tickets. They just let them put their tickets into the buckets. This means that you are taking a seat from an adult with cash to spend, certainly more cash than a child. Kids over 16 I don't mind. They usually are mature enough to sit through the evening. ANyone younger just doesn't belong.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the "most annoying" list, with a couple of exceptions. The admission fee is OK as long as you get something for it. Coffee/tea, dessert and at least one sheet of tickets. If you offer nothing with an admission fee, then you're just ripping people off. The most annoying are the people not paying attention. We're all there to have fun, but you drag out the night if you don't pay attention. I went to one TT where if someone didn't respond for a prize, they didn't call another ticket...they put it aside and called it later at the end. What a joke!!! That had to be the worst one yet...if you don't pay attention, you lose!!! Also, organizers take note, a few things to add to that list:

No one likes bags to put the tickets into. The tickets get stuck on under the folds on the bottom of the bag and it is a big disadvantage to those who put their tickts in first.

Callers or ticket pullers who are looking directly into the bowl as tickets are being pulled---can we say cheating. It looks as if the caller is looking for specific numbers to pull. (I kid you not, I went to one hosted by a Catholic School and that's what the caller did. He even put some tickets back after picking them to pick up another. Tell me he wasn't looking for specific numbers:

Lastly, the only thing to add is not giving enough time to put your tickets into the buckets by only allowing an hour from the doors opening to the calling. Have you people ever checked out the lines???? I waited on line 45 minutes just to get to the first basket table once. The doors opened at 6:30 and the calling was supposed to begin at 8:00. The calling started at 9:00 because there were so many people, most didn't get to the front of the line until after 8:30. Timing is everything people.
Anonymous said…
We had some unusual experiences for the last week's worth of TT we attended.

Paramus- had a caller who reversed and left out numbers 3 out of 5 times. It was amazing! I'd never seen that before. TT itself was pleasant...I really like the smaller ones myself.

North Arlington - did not empty the ticket bags into a container...so virtually everyone who put tickets in early (most had the same beginning numbers) never heard their numbers called. We never had a chance at the larger prizes. That to me is probably the most offensive practice that organizers do. The funny thing is that organizers don't think it's wrong, because someone always win. DUH?!? Of course someone always win; the problem is that not everyone has an equal chance of winning because the tickets are not put into a new container and shaken to re-distribute them. This is important, as it is a way to eliminate the difference between where the earlier tickets landed and the last-in tickets landed. Tickets also get stuck in the bottom of the bags, and they don't have a chance. In essence, people are penalized for getting there early and putting their tickets in early. Let me push this one a little further, because it's not a hard one to fix. The callers say we reached in 'at all levels' so that should cover this problem. It does not. Equal access is provided by the process listed above. Random picking simply does not.

Clifton - Nice TT last nite. Organizer, Audrey, could not have been a more organized and thoughtful host. To the woman who had the bad taste to say something about the teenagers (13 and 14) who were there...get a life. Children are allowed at TTs...and what they can and cannot do is specified by law. We're not talking about young children who can get distracted and noisy...I agree that can take the fun out of the nite. These are well behaved young adults under their parents' supervision. Their attendance was authorized ahead of time, and adults should think twice about saying anything directly to them or within earshot of them. If you think they are annoying, look in the mirror. You demeaned yourself with your ill informed comments.
Anonymous said…
Attention Lafayette TT organizers:

Your ticket prices are fine if you only had say 10 to 15 of each specials, super specials and megas. Last year you had far too many of each of these levels. Actually some of your specials could have been regulars and would be at other TT. You should re-think how many of each of these prizes you make specials. Remember people come with a certain amount of money they are willing to spend and it stinks when they feel they can't afford to be in all levels because of your greediness. It doesn't hurt you to give a few more tickets for the money. Hampton just threw an excellent TT while giving people a nice amount of tickets for the money. Check out their blog above.
Anonymous said…
I have something to add to the list, but it goes more for TT attendees rather than organizers. It annoys me to no end when people get on line to throw their tickets in the prize buckets...but they study EACH and EVERY item in the basket, then they rip their tickets after they are done reading each individual basket, and while they are ripping, they are chatting away..and holding their purses and sometimes a drink. Now I am not saying line up like in the army single file and no talking, but most of the TT put together nice descriptions of each basket in a pamphlet, read it ahead of time at your table. Rip your tickets and put them in a baggy (usually provided) while you are at your table reading your pamphlet. I know TT's are social events but for all of sanity, I can't stand behind you while you talk about your days events and hold up the line.Walk and talk people..walk and talk!!
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
St. Virgil School..March 14th at Birchwood Manor is Sold Out!
Anonymous said…
Amen to not wasting time studying the prizes. That's why there are so many lines at these tricky trays. People....just drop your tickets and move on. And the biggest pet peeve are those people who cut in line going the wrong way. You are the other reason the lines are so long and slow. And most going the wrong way are so rude about it. Keep things orderly and quick and there won't be any hold-ups.
Anonymous said…
I attended a tt last May for Saint Dominic Academy in Jersey City. Their prizes were amazing. From your traditional little items ie: housewares, toys, frames to two different ipods, a flat screen tv, two digital cameras, tickets to Wicked on Broadway, a large 50/50 and a GREAT GRAND PRIZE trip which included airline tickets, resort accomadations, and Disney Hopper Passes. I hear its April 5. Does anyone know if tickets are still available or how to contact them? I don't see them listed.
Bogabean said…
Look for Great Tricky Tray April 4 @ Hunterdon Hills Playhouse. Great prizes, 50/50, silent auction itmes. Come join the fun
Anonymous said…
This may be it..tell them to post on trickytray.com


The Mothers' Club of Saint Dominic Academy, 2572 Boulevard, Jersey City, will hold its third annual Tricky Tray Basket Auction on April 5. Donations of money, gift certificates or merchandise can be mailed to Saint Dominic academy. Arrangements for donation picks may be made. For information, call Gabriela at 201-333-7216 or Cynthia at 201-823-0721.
Anonymous said…
Saints Mary and Elizabeth Academy - I see there are over 300 prizes. How many people do you expect? What are some of the prizes? Someone mentioned a TV as a grand prize, but what are some of the others?
Anonymous said…
Here it is....

St Dominic Academy Tricky Tray

Auction Ticket orders
Ms Magaldi @ St Dominic Academy
2572 Kennedy Boulevard
Jersey City, NJ 07304
201-434-5938 ext 45
$15/person (Tables seat ten)
Anonymous said…
I have heard nothing but good things about Cabrini School in Piscataway. I called and did get someone who said there lots of prizes and some high end stuff. Try calling back and see if you can talk to someone else. If you go see you there. I like not paying to get in. It makes me want to spend even more once I do get in.
Anonymous said…
I also don't like to have to pay to get in, but I don't care for "children welcome" either. I realize not everyone feels the same though.
Anonymous said…
Went to Wallington HS's TT last nite. There was a fashion show included, so I was prepared for a very long evening. But not so!!! ...There are lessons to be learned from this first class act! A caller, who was clear, definitive, and quick...just refreshing. A program that worked a short fashion show in between the various levels of ticket calling. Nice touch in that it allowed us to focus our attention and manage dinner, show and tickets in an orderly fashion. Great night! Congratulations to the organizers.
Anonymous said…
Cabrini put up some info on their TT (thank you)..sounds like some great prizes although ticket prices are a bit steep, but I will be there to check it out!
Anonymous said…
To all of the individuals that attended the Birchwood Tricky Tray held on Friday, March 7th, 2008, the Tricky Tray Committee would like to thank you for your attendance and support at our event. We would like to also thank all of the volunteers who helped to make the Birchwood School Tricky Tray such a great success. The monies raised will be used to provide educational programs that enhance what the children are learning at school while exploring history, science, reading and music, as well as, dealing with confidence issues and providing anti-bullying education. Ultimately, these programs are providing life lessons that will hopefully stay with our children throughout adulthood. The individuals that plan, solicit and work at the Tricky Tray are all volunteers trying to do the best we can for our children. We are always looking for ways to improve our events, if anyone has any suggestions we would gladly welcome them. Please send any comments or questions to bmita@optonline.net or walshli@verizon.net.

Thank you,
Bridget Mitarotonda
Lisa Walsh
And the Tricky Tray Committee
Anonymous said…
OK, Birchwood, let's read between the lines. You got offended at some negative comments made on this blog, so you felt you had to post a rebuttal. The comments posted here are meant as constructive criticism. Everyone knows how hard the organizers work, it's a lot of work putting together an event like that. But, if you don't listen to the people who attend and don't make them happy, they won't return. Then you'll be sitting in a room with baskets and no attendees. Let me start by saying that my children attend Birchwood. I'm also a member of the PTA and have volunteered at several school functions and within my children's classrooms. I am not one of those parents who sit around while others do the work. I've been in that school for many years and my youngest still hasn't started kindergarten, so I'll be there for many more years. I always support the school because it effects my kids, but it's getting more and more difficult to support it when you do things like this. You advertised within the community to attract support, and when the community arrived, you treated them badly, such as not giving them any tickets with admission. Let's pick apart some of the comments and please use these to better plan your next event.
1. Greed - you were called greedy because of the admission and not giving a sheet of tickets. I'm not a frequent Tricky Trayer, but I've been to KDM's, Dwyer's, Sacred Heart's, St. Cecelia's and almost everyone's in the area, and EVERY place, no matter what the admission cost, gives you at least one sheet of the first level tickets with your admission. You don't want to penalize people for not buying their tickets in advance, that's just wrong. Also, you have people donating desserts that you then turned around and charged for. Greedy!!! Everyplace I know of offers the desserts, coffee and tea free and only sells soda and water. Are you people living under a rock. Charging $1 for coffee is greedy, you made people mad, and in turn, they didn't buy as many tickets as they might have because they felt they were being taken advantage of. Also, this event was a year and a half away, and you felt the need to start asking parents for donations last year and then this year too. The out-going 5th grade parents don't care since their kids won't be in the school, so they didn't really donate anyway. But all the lower grades were asked to donate twice..that was uncalled for and greedy. That's why you don't get too much participation...you ask too much too often. I only ended up donating twice because my daughter was so upset that her class was bring things in and she was made to feel bad. I won't make that mistake again, and I know a lot of parents in my kids classes feel the same.
2. Unorganized - you may not think this, but you were so unorganized and it showed. First, the admission ticket thing again. Had you thought this through, you wouldn't have made such a blunder. ALso, when we walked in the door, people were standing there looking like deer in the headlights. One person sitting at a small desk checking in the pro-sales, and two people at a table with emply plastic bags looking bored. Why the plastic bags. If you're not going to fill them with something, either put them on the tables, or don't give them at all. And no one offered me a program, I had to ask for one. Don't they know how to greet people? Also, the table assignments. THere were lovely, yet small signs with people's names and table numbers reserved, such as Smith, Table 1 & 2. However, there was no number on the table to say where table 1 & 2 were, or where they were started or ended, or how many chairs were linked to each table. One little sign saying table 1 & 2 does squat if I don't know that there are six chairs per table or four. There was a lot of confusion over tables...again this due to the unorganization. DOn't even get me started on the program. You didn't list expiration dates for donations, any exceptions like new members only for gym membership, and baskets with alcohol. Even though the baskets were labeled, there should have been a reference in the program, like an asterisk, to let those people know about the alcohol in the basket for those of us who don't scrutinize and handle the basket before dropping in our ticket.
3. Communication - Ladies, this was probably the worst. Your ticket sellers didn't know what they were doing, a couple couldn't count and I asked the same question to three different sellers and got three different answers. Don't you brief them before you start????
Door Prizes - Give this up. No one wants to wait for the door prizes, they're usually junk and why waste the money on these when you could put them into better baskets? Also, that "Door Prize" stub on the sheet of tickets should be able to be used in the regular prize baskets. People should have the option, not be forced to put it in for a door prize that they don't want in the first place. If you ever attend a Tricky Tray, you'll see that most are moving away from door prizes....think about it.
4. The Baskets - While you are a grammer school where young children attend, you do not invite the children. So why do you have so many baskets geared towards children? Adults don't want baskets full of toys, our houses are already full of them. Some toys are OK, like the Hot Wheels, Barbies, American Girl Doll, but let's face it, most are looking at these baskets and saying "my kid doesn't need this" and they move on. As a result, fewer prizes that appeal to adults means less tickets bought and less money made by you. WHy not just have the Tricky Tray for the kids if your prizes are geared for them? And as an attendee of all your past Tricky Trays and Craft show Tricky Trays, I think the quality of your prizes this year were far inferior than your previous ones. I know it's hard to get donations, but it looked like you were getting desperate. Again, see point #1, you got greedy and asked too much too often.
5. The Callers - they were great, made the evening run smooth and quickly. I wouldn't ever change them if you can help it.

All the people who attended the Tricky Tray were from the community. They were there to support the school and have a good time. But, you plan an event like this, people expect to get something for their money. If they weren't expecting some good prizes and a little coutresy, they would just hand a check to the school and be done with it. The one blogger was right, if you don't attend Tricky Trays, you don't know how to run one. It's all about keeping the guests happy (within reason) to make them spend money and keep coming back. You may have lost a lot of supporters because of this. The entire evening, people all around me were seriously unhappy. If you want to continue making money for the kids and the school, you need to change your attitudes and start thinking of others. Also, and this might hurt girls, you need to change chairpeople. The past organizers screwed up really badly and they shouldn't be allowed to repeat this mistake. I know they are probably the only ones who volunteered, but try recruiting some better people to better fit the events. I hope the committee takes these comments to heart, because I do speak for several families. We all talk, we all compare notes and we all feel the same way. And they all asked me to write this because they felt I would be impartial and get their feelings across without being too harsh. Take this as it is intended, suggestions to make a better event and keep people happy. This is not a personal attack on anyone in particular, but as a group you need to do better. People expect more nowadays, and you need to deliver, not get bent out of shape and say we're great and they don't know what they're talking about. Listen to the parents within your school, or your support will be diminished rapidly and soon.
Anonymous said…
My friends and I attended the Saints Mary and Elizabeth Tricky Tray last night. It was well organized the value pack was really good - good price and the right amount of tickets for each level. Two alternating callers made the evening go very quickly. It was one I would attend again (even though I didn't win the TV!).
Anonymous said…

Dear Bridget Mitarotonda
Lisa Walsh
And the Tricky Tray Committee

Why do you ask for comments and suggestions by email? Have you not read the blogs regarding your TT? You will find more than enough suggestions on how to improve your TT. Hope you mean what you say and take the advise of those of us who are not happy with the way you conducted this event.
Anonymous said…
To the Birchwood TT Organizers. We didn't come from the Rockaway area. We traveled 30 minutes to attend your event because we enjoy tricky trays. We did not enjoy yours (being ripped off). You will get plenty of comments and suggestions on this board. Don't ask us to e-mail you. We agree with all the posts regarding your TT!
One word, GREEDY!
Anonymous said…
We attended the OGDENSBURG FIRE DEPT. TRICKY TRAY last night. This is not our first time there and we always enjoyed it but not last night. Here are the issues we had with this Tricky Tray.

1. The regular sheets had an extra large door prize ticket attached to the stub you keep. They told people to rip this one off and use it just like the smaller ones in the regular baskets. OK, well that doesn't make every ticket the same (equal) to the other tickets. You bought the wrong tickets sheets, just admit it. Stupid mistake. You should have just had people discard that one.

2. Next up is the 50/50 which got to around $1100 which is great but the problem is first you ran out of red tickets, so you started using blue, then (it get's better) you ran out of those blue ones so you went and used darker blue tickets. That's THREE different color tickets. BOO BOO BOO. TT attendees do not like different color tickets. No one likes to see you pull a blue ticket when they have red ones. At least if everyone has the same color, everyone feels as though they are in the game. Do people a favor and buy a new roll for the next TT. Don't be so cheap and use "leftovers" from years past.

3. The caller. He looked BORED. Very bored, which made the whole event slow and boring.

4. Post a sign "No BENT TICKETS will be called". This should be a rule at Tricky Trays.

Your tickets prices were good as usual and the baskets were nice. We looked forward to supporting this Tricky Tray and we were disappointed. Take these comments and suggestions seriously. We attend at least one TT every weekend. We KNOW what we are talking about!
Anonymous said…
Birchwood organizers: Take the comments as constructive criticism, note them for next years committee to consider and move on. There is nothing unique about the great purpose your money raised goes to that gives you license to be above criticism. The hardy group of regular tt attendees continually pick and choose which nonprofit event to take their money to.
Anonymous said…
I also attended OGDENSBURG FIRE DEPT. TRICKY TRAY last night. I agree on all of your comments. The first half the tricky tray was moving and then it was painful and slow. They over sold and had many people standing in the back of the room. I'm sure it was some kind of fire violation but I guess it's ok when you hold it at a firehouse??? They should have stopped letting people in at some point. It also might have been nice to sell drinks. Great you gave out coffee and tea and some kind of orange drink but you should have sold soda or at least water. When you have a event you need to think of every detail. The prizes were nice and quality was good. It's the little things that hurt you guys.
Anonymous said…

Looked forward to this tt as usual but this year it was disappointing.. Early arrivals had to park in back of the parking lot so the late comers could park up front. DAH!

The odor of cigarette smoke permeated the building. The smokers were outside the open door allowing the smoke inside. If you must smoke close the door behind you and stand away from the entrance. That's only common courtesy. The TT organizers should have made sure of that.

The building is too small for the number of attendees. Now I know what sardines feel like! It is a fire hazard and I'm sure against fire regulations. .....Firemen have you looked into this ? Before a catastrophe happens, Tricky Trays can no longer be at this location, they must be moved to the local public school a short distance up the street.

The price of the ticket sheets at all levels were very fair as usual and 50cents for admission is almost free. The trays were a bit skimpy and many could have been combined so as not to appear so cheap.
The specials and super specials were neither.... but the tickets were very reasonable so as not to feel cheated. Now for the 50/50. That's where I do feel cheated. There is no reason to have 3 different colored tickets. Organizers please spend a little and get enough of one color so that everyone is in it. One of you had a cavalier attitude when suggestions were made.

The free bagels and cream cheese were fresh and appreciated. Of course you had free hot and cold drinks. Thank you.

Unless this event is moved to larger and safer quarters I think this was the last time attending this TT after many years .
Anonymous said…
I went to Cabrini TT on Friday and there were pros and cons. The pros were that they let us in before the 7pm posting time..the food prices were excellent and the free coffee and desserts were a nice touch..everyone working the TT was so nice and pleasant..someone was at the door as we left and said thank you..the baskets were nice, especially the higher end prizes. The biggest pro were the grand prizes..tv,week at Myrtle Beach,ipod etc etc and the tickets were so reasonable. Most TT charge 3 for $20 or some ridiculous amount..these were 25 for $15!
The negatives...there were only 72 baskets for hundreds of people...not nearly enough. The Kids..I know this was a school fundraiser, but the kids running around just ruins a nice night out. I take the time to find a babysitter, I certainly don't want to listen to your kids. And last..I don't know why some callers feel like it's their time to shine with jokes and whatnot..it was a neverending, painful experience to listen to the caller (who i am sure is a nice man, this isn't personal) tell "jokes" and try to be funny. It was horrible..it really was.Other than that,i would attend this again. It was very small, but nice.
Anonymous said…
Tickets are still available for Saint Dominic Academy TT "Garden Party" April 5th in Bayonne, NJ. Your $15.00 admission includes a sheet of tickets for minors, sandwich, dessert and coffee/tea. Some featured prizes so far...Ninetendo Wii, Mountain Bike, Apple itouch, Yankee tickets, airline tickets with items coming in daily. Please don't wait until the last minute to order your tickets since the school will close for Easter from Thursday March 20th and reopen March 31st. Contact Gaby 201-333-7216 or Cindy 201-823-0721/201-709-9100.

Have a Happy Easter and many successful Tricky-Trays to all.
Anonymous said…
To the Birchwood Tricky Tray Complainer (from that school). Why don't you help this group next year? I know from experience in our school that families love to complain, but don't want to help! They may be burnt out from doing it all and could just use some extra help and new ideas and your insight. You should put your energy into helping your school not bashing it!

For the Ogdensburg Tricky Tray: I know that the "door prize" ticket is annoying so next year cut it off - that is what we did at our Tricky Tray this year and we did not hear any complaints. We do not do "door prizes" and the size of that extra ticket is larger. It is not that they purchased the wrong tickets - those are the only tickets our there that are a good quality and price.

I have always appreciated the "constructive critisism", but enough already - I think Birchwood has gotten the point.
Anonymous said…
For the record, Birchwood has been offered the help, the the organizers don't take it. They are a select group of women who have nothing better in their lives but to try and run these things at the school. They do it under the guise of "it's for the children" but all they want is a pat on the back and for people to think they are so wonderful and great. They have offended and alienated many new parents at the school to the point where no one wants to help. No one was bashing the school, and that is not the intention. This group of organizers think they are always right and won't listen to anyone else. Maybe now with so many comments, they will finally listen and realize they don't know everything.
Anonymous said…
A group of us went to Sts. Mary & Elizabeth Academy on Friday night, great Tricky Tray....Kudos to the organizers of this one! There were plenty of seats even with the reserved tables. The workers were pleasant and they had two callers all night to keep things moving along. They had some really nice baskets and prizes. There were probably 425 - 475 people, but you would have never known it, the lines were not really long and we weren't squished in like sardines. Ticket prices were very good and the bags of tickets at discount was excellent. Even the goodie bags were great and I'm not a fan of those usually! ALso, I really loved the idea of the centerpiece being the door prize and the winner was chosen by a sticker under your placemat (which was drawn by the school children, nice touch!). We will mark our calendars for next year, definately one I will attend again next year.
Anonymous said…
Anyone else attend the Amsterdam School and Home Association TT in Hillsborough last Friday.

Curious what people thought of it. It was my first one and had fun.
Anonymous said…
I attended the Ogdensburg TT and agree with the previous comments. In addition to those, I have one to add - I did not like it one bit that the ticket caller went into the bar area (where no one could see) to pull the tickets for the specials. DId anyone else think that was odd?
Anonymous said…
Now that you mentioned it...
Between the parking, smoking, packed like sardines, fire hazard, and cavalier attitude, I couldn't wait to get out of there before something did happen. I felt was uneasy the whole evening. The caller should have pulled the tickets in full view of all the attendees there. Who knows what went on in the bar area? Maybe nothing....
Anonymous said…
I went to the birchwood TT. My friend and I arrived around 6:50 we paid our $10.00 fee and did get a sheet of tickets with our admission price. Was this a mistake on the person taking our money? Did anyone else get a sheet of tickets? I wonder being we got their late and people complained if they changed it mid flow. Interesting.
Beside that the TT stunk. Once again the flow dosen't work in their limited space. While I liked the callers didn't dilly dally, it would have been nice if he metioned the basket numbers they were on. Charging for coffee and donated snacks. Just plain stupid. I can tell you I will never waste my time attending another one.
Anonymous said…
Any word on the Morris Hills TT yet? I know they have a whole new board so I was just wondering if anyone has the inside scoop if it is worth the time. I know they did away with advance sales which ticks me off cause my family normally travels in from South Jersey to attend. I like to know we can get seats and get in early.
Oh well....
Anonymous said…

You were lucky that you got there late. You didn't have to make a fuss about paying $10.00 for admission. Some of us who got there early did that and thus they "gave" you a sheet of tickets. I agree with you that this TT was a flop. Charging $1.00 for coffee and donated cake is greedy and despicable. Teachers....wise up.....hope you "learned" something.
Anonymous said…
Morris Hills TT has always been one of the best. They have a great selection of prizes this year, as usual. This one is definitely worth the trip.
Anonymous said…
In response to the last comment regarding Birchwood in Rockaway: you said "Teachers...wise up...". To set the record straight, the teachers had nothing to do with the organization or running of the tricky tray. Some were volunteering their time as ticket sellers and runners while others also attended in support. Don't blame these wonderful teachers, they had nothing to do with the TT being such a flop. Allegedly, someone was supposed to have made an annoucement that if you didn't get a sheet of tickets upon admission to see the announcer. I was there from the time the doors opened and never heard a thing. Whoever said they made an announcement clearly did not. But please, again, don't blame the teachers. Birchwood School has some of the best teachers in the area and no matter what the event, they are always in full support of the school and children, even if they have the same opinions as so many on this blog.
Anonymous said…
I was wondering if anyone had any info. on the JFK High School TT on the 29th..... I was wondering if the school is closed for easter break this week.....If so how do we purchase tickets.... The one number thats up there is for the school...
Anonymous said…
If you live in Morris County or close by, we hope you'll consider coming to our Tricky Tray!! Last year we had a ball, food and great prizes too and a pianist with a jazz singer. Guess what? This year...EVEN BETTER FOOD!!!! We are catering finger foods from Mr. John's in Boonton and like your tickets, IT IS INCLUDED in your admission!!! Details below:

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tricky Tray Sponsored By
Morris Conservatory of Music
Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church
215 Hill Street
Boonton, New Jersey

Doors Open: 6:30 pm
Drawing: 8:00 pm
Admission: $12.00
*Adults Only*
Evening includes regular and super trays,
50/50 raffle, musical entertainment.
Admission includes sheet of tickets and refreshments.
Proceeds to benefit not-for-profit Conservatory' programs.
Reservations recommended: 973-402-2004

More Info & Reservations:

Anonymous said…
I am thinking of working on a tricky tray next year, what kind of prizes do regular tricky tray goers like to see?
Anonymous said…
Regular tricky trayers like good prizes. Some of the most popular ones include game systems (Xbox, Wii, Playstation) baseball tickets, theater tickets, vacations (time shares usually), golf outings, cameras, TV's, computers, jewelry. These are various levels of prizes depending on their value. Some first level prizes could include cookware, chocolate fountains, popcorn makers, movie tickets, books, sports items (shirts, autographed items) baby baskets with blankets and sleepers, gardening tools, coolers filled with party foods. If you get foods, like drinks and chips, go with known name brands. People don't want to see wal-mart brands of food in baskets, it gives the appearance of being cheap.

You can write of local theaters in NJ, like the Papermill Playhouse, they're usually accomodating. Also, some museums in NY and NJ might be generous. Gift certificates/cards to stores and restaurants are always a hit. Some games and children's toys are always good, but don't go too heavy on the kiddie stuff. Most adults don't want that for their kids because they already have enough toys. Electronic toys are good, though, like the Leapfrog and V-Tech toys. Educational is always good. Bikes, skateboards, also big hits.

Furniture items are great, too, like lamps and clocks. Microwaves, blenders, coffee makers, pannini press, grills, griddles, quesadilla makers...all big hits. Wine racks and/or refrigerators...candles, purses, gloves, and anything designer, like Coach purses, Vera Bradley items are favorites. And don't forget our furry friends, dog and cat baskets are always a hit.

Holiday themed baskets are always good, too. Baskets filled with Christmas decorations, Halloween, 4th of July...all great. Wrapping paper and accessories, hair care products, gift cards to local salons. Also, anything poker related is good too.

I could go on but I guess you get the idea. I've put together a couple of tricky trays and they've been huge successes. My friends and I try to put together baskets that we would be happy winning. Baskets should be worth at a minimum $30-50 in the first level. This way you're assured of having top quality prizes that don't look cheap. No one wants to win something that's been stored in someone's basement for 10 years and looks like it came out of a Cracker Jack box. Keep the prizes to new items only, nothing that could have come from a garage sale. ALso, keep an eye on this website, there are some great ideas and suggestions that you could pick up from people. The true tricky trayers will tell you what they don't like, and that should help you to run a pleasant event that would please almost everyone who attends.

I hope this has been helpful. Does anyone have any other suggestions or ideas???
Anonymous said…
I enjoy "themed" baskets..for example.."movie night" that may include dvd player, a few dvds and maybe some popcorn and candy. Or an "Italian" basket with some nice wine, and Italian goodies, maybe throw in some gourmet olives and things. I like well put together baskets that have creativity to them. If you have some not do great donations such as hand towels or something, put them in a basket with hand creams and soaps and maybe a nail polish set.
Anonymous said…
I love creative baskets. Some of the TT's I've gone to had some great baskets, although not huge, very unique and creative. One had tickets to the Museum of Natural History in NYC with a DVD of the movie "Night at the Museum" and a little t-rex skeleton model. How cute is that????!!! And another one had a Sushi set of dishes, with a sushi cookbook and the DVD of "Finding Nemo". Ok, that one is a little warped, but it was hysterical and very creative. Another had all dog accessories with a pink patent leather dog carrier and the "Legally Blonde" movies. Again, very creative. Something as simple as one of those very large exercise balls can be found very inexpensively, paired with a Yoga mat and exercise book or DVD, and you've got a great prize. If you're buying a lot of the prizes with donated monies, hit the after season sales and you get the most for your dollar. The week after Christmas can get you some great lawn ornament and blow ups for about 50-75% off. Patio furniture, beach chairs, coolers and towels at the end of summer are very inexpensive. Remember, the baskets have to be VALUED at a set dollar amount, not necessarily what you PAY for it. A $300 Coach purse at the outlet store can go for about $100-200 less than at the retail store, but it's still worth the $300 even though you may have only paid $100. The American Girl Doll company may donate a doll to your TT (see their website for the address) and you've got a collectible doll worth $100 or more and you've paid nothing for it. You can get a lot of great ideas if you read some of the past remarks on this blog. Good Luck with your event. Make sure you let us know here where and when it is going to be.
Anonymous said…
I'm responding to anonymous from March 25th. I'm one of the organizers of the Sokol USA Tricky Tray from a few weeks ago. The prizes you described are ones we did this year and previously at our Tricky Tray. I want to thank you for your nice comments. We try to be original and creative and pride ourselves on running a fun and unusual Tricky Tray. We like creative baskets, too, so we try real hard to give our attendees something to remember. If you liked it so much, please remember to vote for us as Best Tricky Tray of 2008 when voting comes around next year. Thank you again so much. It's great to know that you enjoyed the event.
Anonymous said…
I am attending Franklin School of Bergenfield's tricky tray tonight at Season's. Has anyone attended a tricky tray for Franklin School before? If so, what can I expect?
Anonymous said…
Go to Stanhope's Tricky Tray on the 29th-they're going to have awesome prizes!!!
Anonymous said…
OK, so I went to Franklin School of Bergenfield's tricky tray last night. I will never attend again. There were so many things wrong with it, I just don't know where to begin! First off, all of the tickets were pre-pulled. I had a good view of the "organizers" table, and let me tell you...the had to have won 25% of the prizes between all of them! The baskets were lined up 3 deep all along the walls by them. I just felt that there was so much cheating going on. I won something as well, but that is not the point. We go here to have fun, say "shake 'em up", but you can't have fun like that if all of the tickets are prepulled. I have NEVER been to a tricky tray like this one. It is a shame because the venue was nice, food was good, and the comedian was actually funny! The other thing was that they were totally unorganized. The doors opened at 6:00pm and it was not over until 11:15pm. They called numbers way more than 3 times before picking another number..probably because they didn't have another number prepicked! I saw plenty of bent tickets in the containers, so I am sure they were called as well, which is so unfair. Also, they did not have runners so they actually went to each table asking for volunteers. At every other tray that I have been to, the organizers are the runners, or they have children/teens as volunteers. I spent a lot of money at the tricky tray because of the ticket cost to get in and I was not going to work all night at it. I just wanted to pass along this information to everyone so they know for next year. I need to go to another tricky tray soon so I can restore my faith in them. Any good ones soon?
Anonymous said…
So, I went to this tricky tray last night hosted by the Franklin Schools in Bergenfield and boy do I have an earful for you.
This Tricky Tray was held in the Seasons Hotel in Washington Township and it looked like we were in for a great night. There was a wonerful cocktail hour and the staff was pleasant but unfortunatly it was not the Seasons that I had a problem with.
Who ever ran this Tricky Tray was certaintly very unorganized. . .well actually. . .they were unorganized in all but one aspect. I'll get into that in a moment. I was planning to be out for a few hours. . .not 5 1/2. They took so long, messed up on giving prizes, and the way the food was planned could have saved us atleast 45 minutes.
You think it could not get worse but yes, yes it did. . .
Ironically, the commitee table was very lucky last night. Prize after Prize after prize was lined up against the wall behind, to the side, and around their table. Seems kinda strange that they won the lottery tree and an apparant relative of someone at that table won the $500 money tree. . .hmmm
Anonymous said…
We are going to the Project Graduation Tricky Tray at Kittatinny HS (in Sussex County) to support the Seniors! Why would the Fredon Grade School (from the same district as Kittatinny) have their Tricky Tray on the same night - they did this also last year???? Why couldn't Fredon change their night so that the Seniors could have a great turnout for their Project Graduation Tricky Tray? I know Kittatinny can not change their's since it was posted on their calendar a year ago! Organizers of Tricky Trays really have to research at least the schools in their district to make sure they are not having Tricky Tray's or other important events on the same night. The Fredon Tricky Tray organizers really messed up again this year!
Anonymous said…
You have to give Fredon credit...at least they are consistent.....at screwing up! LOL
Anonymous said…
The Beth Haverim Shir Shalom tricky tray is very exspensive . They have tons of gift certificates but the packages cost 75 for the small and 150 for the large and it doesn't have hardly any tickets . Bring your check books and credit cards its gonna run ya 300 bucks or more. I wish they would give you more for your buck then it wouldn't be so bad . I might have to skip this one even though its free admission it costs more then a dinner one. Try to charge a little less you will still make money since its all donated.
Anonymous said…
HOW WAS KITTATINNY TRICKY TRAY ? We attended the Fredon TT this evening. Contemplated between Fredon and Kittatinny. Chose to go to Fredon because they had all the information on TT.com. Whereas Kittatinny gave no information. So the decision was easy. We were not disappointed. Admission was free, ticket prices were 6 sheets for $20.00. Big prizes were 7 tkts for $5. and 3 tkts for 5.00 for top prizes. All the trays were very nice and not cheap. The free refreshments were nice and plentiful.
Organizers were very friendly and professional. I saw bent tkts and told them about it, they quickly made an announcement that no bent tkts would be called. They also had signs posted on the tables. Calling started at 805p and ended at 10:15pm. The 50/50 was over $700.00. The only little annoying thing was the caller congratulating every winner....that's over 200 times...enough already. We had a good time and were not sorry we chose Fredon. How was Kittatinny?
Anonymous said…
We went to Fredon last night also. The prizes were really nice. Nice variety. They had a very nice program that was handed out stating what the tray is and who donated it. What I don't understand is why the caller has to repeat it before calling every tray. I thought the reason you have a program was so you didn't have to announce everything and the TT could move a little faster..... One other thing that was annoying was the "school staff". They won MANY times. I really hate when the caller has to call out the teacher/staff members name each time they win. It makes it look a little shady if you know what I mean. It seemed like that side of the room won most of the prizes. In the end I went home a winner and I had a good time.
Anonymous said…
Did you ever think that the teachers buy lots of tickets to support their school...thus giving them greater odds to win????? JEEZ!
Anonymous said…
I went to the Kittatinny Tricky Tray last night. It had to be the most unorganized Tricky Tray I have ever seen. The two woman callers were so unprofessional and even yelled at the audience. The first one loved to talk about nothing and the second one looked like she was asleep and did not want to be there. There were no free refreshments. No program?? They kept forgetting to give the winners their gift certificates. The trays were okay - better than they usually are for this tricky tray. It was not too crowded. They were "shaking" the tickets with their fingers while looking at the tickets and then would pick and surprise their family and friends would win. They also would call a number over and over and then have someone go out in the hall because they knew it was the principal or staff member.

They kept saying they have been working on this for 1/2 a year? What were they doing for those 6 months? The caller stressed that some of them had done this many times - where were those people because we had never been to such an unorganized tricky tray. I understand they are a lot of work, but if you had 1/2 a year to work on it did they not research on this website and go to other tricky trays to see how one is run?
Anonymous said…
So there was more than one not so good tricky tray last night then. A table of us went to the Allamuchy one last night. Last time for this one by all of us! HELLO Allamuchy organizers....Did any of you read the blogs of mistakes made by other tricky trays so the same isn't made again. There's absolutely no reason why the entire book of baskets, which was about 225, needed to be read basket by basket. We each were given a book and can read what they were and who it was donated from. Too many pauses inbetween alot of the baskets. There was no control of the noise level in the room as more baskets than usual needed to have a second number because either no one heard the caller or whoever had the first ticket was too buzzed or drunk from the drinking that was allowed. The best part of the whole buffet was the cheese, fruit, veggie platters & mozzarella sticks that were served. I've attended many other tricky trays that had more baskets and never took til almost midnight waiting for it to end. The level one baskets were ok as at least 1/4of them were gift certificates. The one good thing about this night is that the higher level baskets had a much better quality (one or two though should have been a level one). The setup of the baskets were a bit confusing as we found many people putting the wrong color tickets in bags and then trying to go back & find their tickets.

I did win one of the higher level gifts, but the overall experience was not a good one. It just seemed like there was not a whole lot of thought put into this tricky tray as there were more than just one or two people talking about the lack of organization. For those of you working on next years' event, it would be to your own advantage to really read the ALL the blogs to have a real successful function.
Anonymous said…
After reading Kittatinny's reviews I am very happy that Fredon had their TT the same night as Kittatinny. Sounds like we made the right choice going to Fredon. We had lots of delicious FREE desserts. NO ADMISSION FEE. It was very well organized, the caller was decent. Prizes were very nice and great quality (42'LCD TV).
I see no reason why Fredon should not have their TT the same night as Kittatinny. I'll never go to Ktny after reading the reviews!
Anonymous said…
The reason Fredon should not have their tricky tray as Kittatinny Project Graduation is that the children from Fredon will also someday be Seniors at Kittatinny - it is the same district! Why the Fredon organizers did it two years in a row is a mystery to everyone? Yes - Kittatinny was not a great Tricky Tray last night, but every year it is a new group of organizers since it is for the Senior Class. It was just plain rude of Fredon to make their's the same night.
Anonymous said…
I am not with ANY school district. I don't care what the reason is for any TT. My friends and I attend TT's to have a fun night out, we do not want any aggravation. I will only attend TT's having good reviews from TT bloggers. I will not attend a TT just to support organizers who don't read and take our advise. After all it's my money and I will spend it where I get the most for my money. Winning is great, but not imperative! Now you know what you need to do to get my attendace!
Anonymous said…
Went to OLV in Sayreville last night and had a nice time. There was a ton of first level prizes that were very nice. But the second level prizes were not so great..I wish I would've looked at them before I bought the extra tickets. The noise level was out of control..I was waiting for the caller just to scream "shut up" (I wish she would have)but instead she continued to call the numbers 5 or 6 times before someone finally woke up and looked at their tickets. The ticket prices were very reasonable.
Anonymous said…
We went to the Sussex County 4H TT tonight. It's 10:30pm and I'm home for at least 20 minutes now. They were quick! Caller was great. They had a program to follow so he didn't have to announce what each tray was or who donated it. Really nice prizes. One of these times I'll win that Nintendo Wii!!! Just the right amount of specials. I don't like when TT organizers try to stretch the specials so that they have more. 10 to 20 is enough!!

ONE BIG COMPLAINT - They charged one dollar for a tiny cup of coffee or tea! Organizers: do not charge for coffee or tea. It's greedy. I've come out to support your event and I'm spending money! Lots of it. I want a lousy cup of coffee for nothing please! I heard one woman comment on them charging. The organizer responded by saying "It's for a good cause". So the lady responded by saying "ALL TRICKY TRAYS ARE FOR A GOOD CAUSE!!!" That shut her up.

Overall, very good job 4H!
Anonymous said…
Just came home from The Stanhope School Tricky Tray. It was great! It was so well organized! The over 240 trays were so original and the specials were fantastic. I'm already looking forwarding to next years! Keep up the great work Stanhope!
Anonymous said…
If you missed the Stanhope School Tricky Tray then you missed a great event. Their regular trays were great! Their specials were over the top. They had a Wii, Wicker set, Laptop, and beautiful Coach purse among other great specials. It was very well organized and the evening moved along very quickly. It was a very enjoyable night! Nice job Stanhope!!
Anonymous said…
Just came home from the Stanhope tricky tray.. What a great job Sherry and Robbin did organzing it. It was a really great time. Amazing trays and very well organized. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the Stanhope School Tricky Tray for another wonderful job this year. Calling started at 8 and we were home way before 11. There were over 200 great trays and a lot of great specials. Prices were very reasonable. Thank you for taking the responsibility to announce and put signs all over that 'Bent Tickets will not be Called.' The whole night was very well organized. Good job ladies!! I'll be back next year!
Anonymous said…
The Sussex 4H TT last night was AWESOME! Ticket prices were very good. About 240 Regular trays, most worth $50. Tickets were $4 a sheet or 10 sheets for $30. That's great! Super specials were Walt Disney Park Hoppers, Nintendo Wii, Xbox, $250 AMEX gift card. Tickets were 3 for $5.

Great job 4H Club!!!! This was our second time at this Tricky Tray and we enjoyed it just as much as last year.
Anonymous said…
Sussex County 4H TT at Pope John HS

It was almost a perfectly run TT.
The baskets were original and supers were great. Programs were given out so the caller did not describe the trays and calling was fast.

The refreshments were sparse. Free.. were some sad looking Walmart type sandwich cookies and very few at that. Coffee/tea was $1.00 for a tiny cup that had no room for milk. I brought it to the attention of an organizer who told me it was for a "good cause" . I told her all TT's are for a good cause! and coffee/tea should be free. A paper plate of fruit slices was $5.00! Talk about greedy!
The night before at the Fredon TT there was a table about 10 feet long with free refreshment including coffee/tea, veggie platters and a great variety of desserts! Also no admission charge. Again, thank you Fredon! Every TT should follow your example!
Anonymous said…
Went to Stanhope last night. I had a great time; but I'll amend the previous poster (I'm pretty sure it's all the same person but I have no problem with self-promotion lol). The really good stuff first - everything was laid out beautifully. Color coordinated so there were zero problems in knowing where to put your tickets. Great prizes and beautifully put together baskets. Free yummy treats. Good prices and tickets that my poor sore stiff hands could actually tear (that's a big issue for a lot of people). I think a lot of people hate pre-sales with different numbers though. Even though your caller NEVER looked in the buckets; it was discouraging to hear so many 1000 numbers being called when we had no chance to ever buy those. The thing that drove us and everyone around us bananas was the over-describing of every basket. Just say "basket number 102" please. Not "basket number 102 with an awesome little cup and some cute tea bags and a wonderful sweater with creme piping and....." you get the point. The caller was great otherwise and I liked how she walked around with the mic rather than making her runners wear themselves out. I'd return for sure - just please, less talk - but keep those entenmans donuts coming!
Anonymous said…
Here is a new one for everyone. My husband and I went to Irwin School tricky tray on Friday night. Some lady brings her puppy with her. You think they make her take the dog out? No she holds it during the whole event. You think she cared that others might have allergies to dogs? People leave there kids home I would advise the same for pets. There was no organization with prizes either. None of the runners and spotters worked together. No one was communicating. In the end it was ok because I won a few really nice things.
Anonymous said…
Do you think the Stanhope comments were from the organizer? Nice pat on the back! One comment would have been enough - no need to compliment yourself 3-4 times in a row! Too funny.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi, I am thinking about putting a TT on in November of this year. We usually do ours in October, but the place was booked - do you Tricky Tray followers attend many in November December or what ?

Are they as popular in these months? The calendar only goes through August as yet, so no way to tell how many are in the witner.

Do you think pre-sale on the tickets is better and would "guarantee" that people showed up unless there was a blizzard or soemthing.

Thanks for your input.

We do the hackettstown area.
Anonymous said…
I would attend a tricky tray no matter what month! LOL. November is a good time. There usually aren't to many TT so you could get a nice turn out. Don't do presale. Save yourself the headache. I think most TT people would rather show up and buy their tickets with everyone else at a good fair price. Presale stinks and I avoid going to ones were they have done it especially when you give a better deal to these people. Why should I be penalized and pay more just because I show up at the door.

Also when you list your TT on Trickytray.com. Make sure you give a good description including prices and whether or not you'll have free refreshments. We pick which TT to go to based on the info we see on this site. For instance last Friday, Kittatiny listed no description of their TT and Fredon did including the price of regulars. That made up our minds and we were glad we went.

I go to at least one TT every weekend that there is one. I will travel to Morris, Passaic and Sussex county (where I live). I do give my opinions on this blog the next day.

I'm looking forward to the Lafayette TT that's coming up. I hope they learned a lesson from last year and price the special tickets appropriately. Many of their specials last year could have been used to make the regulars more plentiful. They had WAY to many specials last year priced WAY too high.
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
Last Year, I posted over 70 events in November , so it is still a "hot" month for events. I would stay away from Thanksgiving weekend.

Did everyone check out the NY Times Article about tricky trays.
TrickyTray.com gets a mention on page 2.

Here for article
Anonymous said…
The earlier in November the better. I also AGREE NO ADVANCE TICKET SALES! Also NO ADMISSION CHARGE EITHER! Have you noticed the price of gas? I will be more select now. I never prebuy and don't attend TT's that penalize me for not purchasing in advance. EVERYONE should pay the same amount for tickets regardless. Don't overcharge for sheets of tickets and specials. I come with a set amount and will not buy more because you charge more. I let everyone on TT.com know how good or greedy your TT was. The more sheets I can buy the better I feel. After all why do you care how many tickets are in each tray?
You have to make sure all the attendees leave with a good feeling, whether we win or not! A big no no is to charge for refreshments. There is no guarantee of winning so at least give us some free goodies. Water/soda/pizza are fine to charge for. Good Luck with your Tricky Tray.
Anonymous said…
I was just wondering if there are a lot of Tricky Trays happening during November/December - we missed out getting our venue for October, so was wondering if anything during those two months is too close to the holidays and people don't come out....

Would be intersted to hear what some of you have to say.


3rd Time Tricky Tray organizer
Anonymous said…
In November people are looking for holiday gifts as well, so why not try to win some nice baskets as gifts to give. Don't have it around Thanksgiving as you probably won't have a great turnout. NO PRE-SALE tickets. I think we all agree about not wanting to be penalized for not buying tickets in advance. Charging for coffee, tea & deserts is definitely a no no. Posting as much detail as possible about the event will entice more people to attend. Charging reasonable prices for the tickets/ticket packages is a key factor in raising alot of $$ for your organization. If you must charge a small admission, then you should include one sheet of regualar basket tickets as this is the "norm". Those groups who get greedy are the ones who lose in the long run. Please advise your ticket caller to NOT describe every basket b4 picking the number as we all can read a program & you will people will want to return year after year if it runs smooth & you heed the advice of these blogs.

Good luck & let us know when & where your event will be.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your comments re TT;s in November. We always include sheets of ticekts with the admission price - we are very generous in fact ! I was nervous about it being later in the year, I am beginning to feel a bit more relaxed. Fingers crossed the weather will cooperate :)
Anonymous said…

"Global Warming to benefit Tricky Trays in November & December"!
Anonymous said…
Wow....I have been waiting for the East Orange PAL TT. I will be attending there event on April 5, 2008. I heard all the great things about this event last year and I will be checking it out for myself. I will post my results ASAP.
Anonymous said…
So many TTs this coming Saturday. I can't find very much feedback on last year's blog for these. Does anyone have anything to share about : Jr. Buckhorns in Pa., Morris Hills HS in Rockaway, E.O.PAL in Newark, or Sandshore Home and School in Budd Lake?

Anonymous said…
I didn't get to Sandshore last year - I went to one nearby and friends went to Sandshore. We compared and they preferred Sandshore - said they liked the prizes and prices.
Anonymous said…
Keep in mind that Sandshore is charging an admission of $10. They'll never learn, will they. They do not need to charge an admission. People are going to spend money regardless. Don't rip them off at the door! pathetic.
Anonymous said…
I tell that (not to charge admin.) to my organization each year. They don't listen. They feel it increases their take and they just don't get it!! I won't take that 10.00 home if you don't charge it at the door - I'll just spend it inside.
Anonymous said…
TT's in November/December are great. Not over Thanksgiving weekend, and not later than the 2nd week in Decmeber. I've gone to several at that time of year and have won some beautiful presents to give at Christmas. If you charge admission, you should give at least one sheet of tickets to level 1 prizes. Don't charge more than $10 for admission unless it's out at a hall for which you're paying for a dinner. Remember, keep the night moving, do not let the caller go off with jokes and lengthy basket descriptions. And just remember when calling, do not look into container at the tickets and say the basket number. If you could have the TT on a weekend, it would be even better, this way no one misses the event because they couldn't get out of work, or got stuck in traffic. Good luck with you event and don't forget to post it here.
Anonymous said…
I've gone to Morris Hills in the past and they alway have great baskets and reasonable ticket prices. Just be aware, there is limited seating. It takes place in the gym and you sit on the bleachers. It's not too bad, but if you don't get there early enough to claim a seat, the bottom most rows are spoken for and you're stuck climbing over people. They are limited on space, but if they could change one thing, this would be the one I'd like to see differently. Maybe they can display the prizes in the gym, but let everyone sit in the cafeteria where there are tables and chairs. All in all, if you don't mind the seating arrangements, it's a very well done and organized event.
Anonymous said…
To all organizers who want to charge admission. The usual charge seems to be $10.00 and that includes one sheet of first level tickets worth $4.00 or $5.00. We get absolutely nothing for the remaining $5.00 or $6.00. We call that Greedy. Refreshments? TT's that do not charge admission serve free refreshments. From experience, there is no guarantee that your TT will have better prizes. It's already costing us more in gas. So the TT that does not charge admission will get our Money. We have a set amount of money to spend at TT's, so by you charging admission you will not get any more money. It just makes you look Greedy, which you are!
Anonymous said…
Hi everyone,
I am looking for some ideas for a higher level prize to donate for a tricky tray. Can anyone give some input on something DIFFERENT which they have never seen before or even something they may have seen once or twice, but never again. I want it to be really nice, but am stumped for ideas.
Thank you much.
Anonymous said…
Count down to the East Orange PAL Tricky Tray on Saturday, April 5,2008....Hope to see you there.
Mr. Tricky Tray said…
I had an idea the other day that you are welcome to use. The theme would be "Storage"

First start out with some tupperware or rubbermaid containers, them move onto Blank Cd's & DVd's, A few Compact Flash or SD camera memory cards, and top off with a USB External Hard Drive.
Everything is storage themed.

The value can modified by what size memory cards and how large a hard drive you decide to use.

Just an idea!
Anonymous said…
April 5th Saint Dominic Academy Tricky Tray last year had really good prizes. It was also very organized and a great value for your dollar. Admission included a sandwich, coffee and cake, as well as a free sheet of the lower prize tickets. Plentyyyy of parking as well as a very big and airy room. I am not sure if they still have tickets, but if you are still looking, heres mthe number, 201-434-5938 Just don't win the Wii, Coach pocketbook, or the trip. I want them...LOL
Anonymous said…
April 5th Saint Dominic Academy Tricky Tray last year had really good prizes. It was also very organized and a great value for your dollar. Admission included a sandwich, coffee and cake, as well as a free sheet of the lower prize tickets. Plentyyyy of parking as well as a very big and airy room. I am not sure if they still have tickets, but if you are still looking, heres mthe number, 201-434-5938 Just don't win the Wii, Coach pocketbook, or the trip. I want them...LOL

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